For those who played Bareknuckles Nailbomb pickup...

They're not necessarily better, and no-one ever said they were.

Well you live in the UK, so you don't have to pay through the nose for a BKP, the difference may be worth it to you.
Aussies, on the other hand, get absolutely raped with the price of BKPs.
I have a spare one lying around which I'd probably sell. It's best in the bridge position.

I have two of them in my Les Paul, with coil taps. They're fucking lush. Nice mids.

If its a camo one i will buy it if possible :) Have the money in my paypal ready to go.
I tried an alnico Nailbomb in my RG7621, but sold it and put my D-Sonic 7 back in. The ceramic Nalibomb should be a bit tighter, but my alnico Nailbomb was too loose for me; the D-Sonic is much better in basswood IMO, it's tighter and crisper, while still sounding full.

I'm thinking you may have a dud guitar or dead strings or something though if you think your EMG-81 needs more treble and clarity though? Those things sound like ice picks compared to most pickups.
Tbh, I'd say if you don't play out and out melodic death metal then EMG's are going to be too brittle sounding. The reason I like my Nailbombs is because they sound full in the low end, and smoothed out on the high-end. But the mids are barking and with the wrong amp can potentially be a little too much.

EMG's sound like a digital pickup, if that makes sense. Almost like there is quantization noise in the high-end frequencies. Don't like them really.

What you call brittle other people would call clear & tight.

Either way "brittle" and "muddy" are total opposites... EMGs are known for being clear/controlled/bright/etc.... especially the 81. If the OP thinks it's muddy, something is wrong...
I'd blame the guitar. This and i'd try to run an eq in front of the amp tu cut some unwanted crap
I kind of agree ...Cort?
If you are willing to spend up to $300 on a pickup maybe you should rethink your guitar choice unless Cort has been made in a different factory than they used to be.

How about mentioning what amp and pedal/effects unit you use , that would help out tons with figuring things out.

Another factor is weather you play live or rehearse with a full band at loud volumes or are just twanging around in your bedroom?
I have found all these environments to effect the sound outcome dramatically and some pickups to work great in some and not so well in others.
EMGs sound tighter than most passives partly because they have a 1st-order high-pass filter built in.

You could HPF your guitar by putting a capacitor in the signal path at the guitar's jack socket, although the frequency would change if you plugged into different impedances.

Using a 1000pF cap should be tuned to about 150 HZ when plugged into a 1 Meg impedance (most amps), or about 300Hz when plugged into around 500k like a Tube Screamer.

As you can see, doubling the resistance would halve the frequency, halving the resistance would double the frequency.

Similarly, doubling the capacitance would halve the frequency, halving the capacitance would double the frequency.

If you're normally plugging into the same input, it might be worth a try.
I forgot about this thread eheheh I was like 'wow, this was 2 months ago'.

So, i gave up on the emgs. The guitar is too bassy for them. The guitar itself is actually not bad. It plays and sounds better than a few LTD EC1000 I've played, and it is on the same league as a Schecter C1 Blackjack I played a couple years ago. It is a inferior guitar compared to my gibson for sho, but then again, it is a very useable guitar.

Anyway, I have not decided what I will put into it. BKs are too expensive for me right now (just bought C6 and a Saffire to replace my broken Fireface), so I will end up with some Seymour Duncan or something.
I forgot about this thread eheheh I was like 'wow, this was 2 months ago'.

So, i gave up on the emgs. The guitar is too bassy for them. The guitar itself is actually not bad. It plays and sounds better than a few LTD EC1000 I've played, and it is on the same league as a Schecter C1 Blackjack I played a couple years ago. It is a inferior guitar compared to my gibson for sho, but then again, it is a very useable guitar.

Anyway, I have not decided what I will put into it. BKs are too expensive for me right now (just bought C6 and a Saffire to replace my broken Fireface), so I will end up with some Seymour Duncan or something.

#1 If you didnt like the EMGs and move to Duncans stay away from Duncan Super Distortion model!!!

I have a feeling a Duncan Invader might do a fine job in that Cort. One warning though its not the most versitile pup out there but Ill have it any day over any EMG (that Ive tried so far).

Being picky with tone here too the next pickup I will be shopping for will be a Gibson 500T
or the Toni Iommi model

I would also seriously consider looking at some DiMarzios because we seem to have a simmilar opinion on EMGs again.

Ive got a good feeling about the Gibson 500T though and cant wait to throw one in my Yamaha rgx320fz :rock:
Also I guarantee you will love a Jackson j-50-bc

It was my main pickup...weird thing is that it was the bridge pickup in my first proper axe baught by my mum in 1993:) an older Charvel and I never knew that that thing is a beast untill I started experimenting with other guitars over 16 years later the Charvel has been through hell...
I am starting a restoration of this guitar which I should start a thread about soon.
The Charvel is the exact same model and color that the late Jesse Pintado used through most of his career...

The pickup has recently become famous cause Laiho used it :rolleyes:

Anyway to sum it up I will say thispickup has been my favorite overall pickup!!!
Dont spend over $50 for on either and buy it only with its mid-boost and complete boost electronics!

:notworthy Jackson j-50-bc
^^Just for the record, there is no such thing as a Duncan Super Distortion, and the Invader would be the single worst pickup choice he could make for a super bassy guitar.

Whatever kid

I bought that version in Japan in 2001 probably the year you were born so...
Distortion or Super Distortion its one of the worst Duncan pups out there.
And the Ivader would be a possible good choice if he doesn't like EMGs , speaking from over 18 years of playing metal , I have owned and played live over 15 different guitars and pickup combos so please kid...
My impression is it's actually much more tame than the name suggests.
Really nice actually.
Whatever kid

I bought that version in Japan in 2001 probably the year you were born so...
Distortion or Super Distortion its one of the worst Duncan pups out there.
And the Ivader would be a possible good choice if he doesn't like EMGs , speaking from over 18 years of playing metal , I have owned and played live over 15 different guitars and pickup combos so please kid...

To be honest I can totally see where he's coming from. The Invader is one of the darkest pickups Duncan make, hardly a fantastic choice for a guitar that's already sounding muddy with EMG's.
I think the OP should be going for the brightest pickup he can get his hands on if it's sounding muddy with an 81, as we all know the 81 is a pretty tight and bright pickup compared to most passive models.

Also, you should maybe chill out man, you're coming across as a bit of a prick from that post.
^^The man in the kilt said it better than I could. I've had Invaders - they're dark, not at all what he wants.

Not interested in getting into a dick-measuring contest with you over the amount of gear either one of us has had, and the 'kid' comments are either a reflection of your own maturity or some kind of mid-life crisis situation you might be going through. In the case of the former, my sincere condolences.
Well all , good I did forget the fact that he said that he thought its too muddy and recommended the Invader sally because its very different to the 81.
Disregard all my recommendations and probably go for the Duncan Distortion just for that fact that you want a high mid/treble pickup .
And good luck to you all:Saint:
I'd blame the guitar.

and to the 81...
Those things sound like ice picks compared to most fact i´ve switched one for a 85 to melow it out. the 81 sounded more agressive an abrasive than i would like
Whatever kid

I bought that version in Japan in 2001 probably the year you were born so...
Distortion or Super Distortion its one of the worst Duncan pups out there.
And the Ivader would be a possible good choice if he doesn't like EMGs , speaking from over 18 years of playing metal , I have owned and played live over 15 different guitars and pickup combos so please kid...

Your signature is the signature of a faggot.