For you all into the old ways...

im always up for an arguement i can guarantee you that, but im never up for reading as much as that so.... if you can sum that into like... i dont know, maybe... half a sentence that would be great.... perhaps even maybe... half a word? that would be great too.

Guess some people don't make the difference between showing pride in one's culture and a link to far right. I am still proud to be Belgian and European.
Belgar said:

Guess some people don't make the difference between showing pride in one's culture and a link to far right. I am still proud to be Belgian and European.

Hehe so true Belgar...but a fact is there is a more anti-foreigner wind flowing through Belgium anbd Holland, all because of 11-9 and 11-3 but still there a lot of left people left :D
Anyway many left people are also metalheads here.
Most people listening to house or somesort get mixed up for Neo-Nazis because there bold also...

Still I think pacifism and racism is bull !
you can't be extreme right or left all the time... it's up to you however to figure out when it is time to put on boots or flanel shirts....
Belgar said:
Guess some people don't make the difference between showing pride in one's culture and a link to far right. I am still proud to be Belgian and European.
Yeah i guess not. Its like all the black people who walk around and identify themselves as slaves still.......................................they kinda piss me off
ooh my school is hell dude, full of black people with hella anger towards 'Whitie" the have their anti white conversations in my class right while im there so i have to go inro my schpiel abouthow blacks are more rascist thatn whites in alot of situations. wow im to high for my own good.
Wow took time before replying to this thread! :p Hey racism and religion should never be mix. Its insulting to other people cuz its not related!!! At least not for (lets use the word) paganism.Like i was explaining to my brother (i was talking to him as if he was racist,kinda of RPing if you will).I said:"So you hate blacks?chinese?whatever?youd like to beat them? kill them even?JUST FUCKING FINE but dont try to JUSTIFY yourself with MY FAITH and MY symbols!!! This really aggravates me :) Id like to take a hammer right of a skinhead's neck and rip it off is neck!!! Give it back!!!!!!!! LOL :) ok ok enough with the nonsense

Note that when i say "Just fucking fine" its meant as in i wont argu with you on that("god" knows its useless(just an expression :p))There is no point arguing and my sig says it all. Also i might add that the 2 "MY" in bold could and probably should be replaced by OUR.