For you FFVII Fans

I must disagree with most of you lol....FF8 was the most horrible gaming "experience" i have ever had the displeasure of wasting my time on. Ok heres a short rundown:
1) "drawing" magic from certain places and monsters was HORRIBLE...i want characters to HAVE magic not GET it somewhere for as long as they have "charges" of it....
2) "junctioning" magic and summons to character was also pretty fact, it was DAMN dumb....
3) MAKING weapons is by FAR the most idiodic idea EVER. "AWW shit I dont have enought SCREWS and FUCKING PIPES to make my FUCKING SWORD!" who needs PIPES to make a goddamn SWORD WTFS!!!
4) the story was too drawn out over the whole love thing...I mean its ok for characters to fall in love in a game and whatnot, but to base the whole storyline over it is boring.
5) Squall was a damn PUSSY..."ooooh im to shy to talk to her" or "ooh im such a dark and brooding pansy" are not things i want to think about a main character....

OK end of FF8 bashing haha...I do agree that the graphics were a lot better (duh only a blind person could argue lol) but sadly thats the ONLY thing it had going for it.

Also im not just some idiot who doesnt really like RPGs giving his opinion...I ONLY like RPGs, so I think i have the right to bash a crap one haha.

FF7 was AMAZING...Compelling characters..enemies you hate and love at the same time...and SEPHIROTH....ANY game with Sephiroth in it would kick ass.....if they had put something with Seph on it in FF8 it would have immediately made the game 300 times cooler...but alas they failed to do so and as such, the game sucked more ass then Sigfreid and Roy.....

Anyone who wants to check out some actual GOOD RPGs, check out:
Xenogears (ps1)
Xenosaga (ps2)
Star Ocean: the Second Story (ps1)
Lunar and Lunar 2 (ps1)
Wild Arms 3 (ps2)
Suikoden III (ps2)
Grandia 1 & 2 (ps1 & 2)
the list goes on and on lol

Anyway, thats the end of my horrible rant hahaha
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Venymous said:
that link doesnt work for me...

maybe this time they will fix all the misspellings haha...safer sephiroth hahaha that was a great one...SERAPH seph...
and aerith
:erk: Aerith is Aeris' Japanese name........and a Saraph is a celestial being having three pairs of wings. I did notice a screw up when you are fighting Seph's first form at the end. It says Part instead of Party.
SO2 is my favorite non FF series rpg...totally innovative, endless game endings, awesome battle system, making/identifying items...totally awesome, a must for rpgs fanatics

xenosaga blows ass
ok quick question to rpg'rs

i fucking hate voices in takes away from the experience of playing the roll of the characters

i like being able to imagine what the voices would sound like if they were there

it kinda reminds me of radio, u hear your fav dj's...then see them its like wow...i wish i had never seen them, it changes everything...thats i feel about voices, just the opposite

anybody agree with me?
hell no! Voices in games adds a 3rd dimension of a thing i like to call EMOTION...hearing a scared character actually whimper when s/he talks it a vast improvement over "im so scared" or "please don't kill me"
ah u all lack imagination! good game developers can creat emotion thru context, which allows the player to detect how a character feels, and still be able to imagine their voices.

detecting how a charater is reacting (not hearing)...such as "im so scared" or "please dont kill me" allows for so more imagination in the game. u are not confined to "its supposed to be this way"...there are near infinite ways of determining how something would be said, and still have it coincide with the situation...
I have played and beaten FF 1-10. That means, I have been playing Final Fantasy since what, '87? '88? Having to read everything said for 10+ years and imagining so many voices and having to try to remember everything in each game was a difficult thing to withstand. Christ, I don't remember 1-6 at all. Having X use our current technology and putting voices in the game was a big change, for the good. I don't think it really ruins everything. Think of Metal Gear Solid 2. That can REALLY get into it, and everyone has a voice. If the story is so in-depth, mere voices can't break that kind of enviroment.
If there were no graphics (only text) you would be able to imagine their appearance, too, but i much prefer games with graphics for some reason.
I liked the voices, it added that extra bit of emotion to the game, although it didnt leave much up to the imagination.

FF8 wasn't as bad as the critiscm it gets, I thought it was great anyway, just nothing to FF7, cuz Squall was a bit of a depressed retard, which isnt much fun... Cloud was just fucked up 6 ways to sunday.

I found Tidus annoying, untill closer to the end of the game, at the start he was a spastic.

However, I have to say the sphere grid was shite, I hated it. Every time you play the game you have to take the same path really or you're character is going to be shite
I think the Laguna thing was a bit far fetched, even for Final Fantasy.

FF9 bored me shitless aswell, It wasnt bad, but it wasnt a good game either.

By far the best is 7 :heh:
the ending was good and the whole Kuja thing, that's abotu it, I wasn early falling asleep up untill the end of the second disk where things pick up. I might replay it though and give it another bash, I only beat it once, either that or restart FF6, since I've never beat that yet.