for you megadeth fans ... and artists

By the way, I don't know why I just remembered this but any thread will do....some new metal mag just hit the shelves with the obligatory "best of the hot metal chicks"....and Cristina Scabbia made the front cover (and made #1).

She is soooooo beautiful. But not as nice as that Kate Beckinsale. Anyone see her on the Golden Globes tonight? I knocked one out whilst watching her present an award. In front of the wife. :loco:

Just kidding. Actually no I'm not. No I am. :loco:

MARK -- go listen to the KRODA sample I just posted!!! You will fucken love it.

Actually, I'm calling dibs on Kroda for my recommendation 15 minutes of fame. Even if I am recommending it now. :loco:
i better drink something ... although I try to have 2-3 days in a row with no booze.

ahhh ... fuck it.
shit you guys are leaving this week ... i have to get that questionaire on to you
i partied too much this weekend to drink on a monday.

it's official: that was my gayest post ever.
fuck it ... drinking some Martell cognac... leftover from xmas ... and smoking a big fat ... no that gugs ... a stogie