For You Powerfest Goers!

Oct 17, 2005
Kinnear, Wyoming
just curious..

i should have SSBB before May...

so saying that....

anyone want me to bring my 360 and guitar hero controllers? or rockband and the drumset and stuff????

or i can also bring the wii and have a SSBB frenzy....

Please let me know cause ill bring them, but i won't pack it in my car if no one wants to play.
I dun' wanna play it I wanna do stuff at Chicago. Like...get a manly handshake from Chuck Billy and drink beer with him and talk about the good ole days cause' he's such a nice guy that Chuck.
i'd love to play rockband with you guys, but i dunno how likely it is to work out, since lots of noise will be happening. i'd be willing to give it a shot, though! wtf is SSBB?
Yeah... don't bring that shit.

The only time i'm taking off of drinking and actually socializing is when I watch BSG for an hour.
I will say though... if needed and requested, I can bring my GH3 for Wii and the controller I have if someone else has one and I suppose I can kick your asses at cliffs of dover on extreme hungover :p
cool Will! i have the drum set, mic, 3 guitars, i should bring it just incase...i have a huge trunk and you never know if someone just wants to play, i have a feeling someone will ask me down the road if i brought it or not :p

EDIT: Eric, we shall see :p i have 5 stars on that song, and every song on expert except raining blood...
cool Will! i have the drum set, mic, 3 guitars, i should bring it just incase...i have a huge trunk and you never know if someone just wants to play, i have a feeling someone will ask me down the road if i brought it or not :p

EDIT: Eric, we shall see :p i have 5 stars on that song, and every song on expert except raining blood...

The only one I can't do on extreme at this point is Through The Fire and The Flames... 80%, thats it. been playing a lot at one of my friends houses and I've been getting fucking awesome at the game.
i have problems with the intro on expert. (i can't do it yet)

but i can do the rest of the song without starpower...that intro pisses me off.

well then eric, we shall play!
i have problems with the intro on expert. (i can't do it yet)

but i can do the rest of the song without starpower...that intro pisses me off.

well then eric, we shall play!


If I'm too drunk I'm not going to embarrass my self. Have to play on medium drunk... on anything higher all the notes look like a giant blur coming at me at great speeds.
Nothing can prevent hotel room trashing :D

Eric: I get the same way when i drink ALOT, i get better when i drink, but when i drink to much...i get to a point where i have to close one eye cause i am seeing 2 of every note
my room will not be trashed. end of story


My room won't be this time. Too close a call and I might have to pull some bullshit out of my ass to cover what happened to my our room last time.

I was lucky that our room was not the only one in bad shape, thats all I have to say.