For You Powerfest Goers!

trashed = not picked up

i wasn't meaning like...breaking shit lol...

thats not trashing thats more like destroying & carnage!

btw i need to message you on AIM real quick.
the room being under my name, not wanting to get charged for any potential damage, and Eric's room existing can prevent my room from getting trashed :tickled:

My rooms gonna be strictly non trashing this year... I cannot afford being sued for damages at this point. Made some stupid financial decisions over the past few months that are not going over too well with my situation.
I did it after, cause it is an expansion so i figured it would go along well, after the main quest.

Not to sure on this, but i believe you have to be a certain level...what lvl are you
Oh I don't know. The game is too damn easy regardless I'm trying to move the difficulty slider up once every two levels. Did fighters and mages so far, I don't feel like doing Thieves again. God damn the person who thought level scaling would be a good idea.

Man I realized/remembered how much the mages guild fucking sucks today. Fighting Necromances is a huge pain in the ass.
up the game difficulty in the options menu to make the game a bit more challenging, cause the game will start off ridiculously easy and will continue to do so throughout the entire game.
I do but I need a system for it like x times per x level ups.

Or just some kind of point to keep it at. I hate figuring it out myself why can't they just have hard mode?
I would if my computer was good enough to seamlessly change between WoW and internet without taking five minutes.

I don't want to be addicted to it anymore though, I miss Everquest on PS2. I need to be a Dark Elf and a Shadowknight. And I need a community that isn't completly retarded. And Barbarian Berzerkers.