My uh, "powerfest" dream?


Feb 26, 2007
Park Ridge, IL
Wow, that was weird. I had knd of a restless nights sleep because we had a bit of a storm that woke me up, despite my ability to sleep through anything, so I have trouble remembering it... But it went something like this.

It happened in Belgium, or what I imagine Belgium would look like in the movies (You know, pretty brick buildings with pretty brick roads, very scenic. :p ), and all the powerfest folks were around drinking beers and chilling' out in like these cafes or whatever and Robert Lowe shows up and gets out of one of those black and green Smart Cars (which was really random) and walks over to start chatting with all the power fest folks and some random tourist folks like get in his car and steal it and drive away while nobody is paying attention. So I'm like "Nooo! I'm gonna save Rob's car!!! For metal!!!"

So me and my dad like start chasing after this guy, and then somehow we end up in this gigantic theme park parking lot, like you expect to find at a Six Flags or whatever. And I'm not sure what was supposed to be happening, but I know Thurisaz was involved and someone vandalized my car. :ill:

I think me and Benedictum's Singer also pulled some bitch out of Rob's car, and beat her to the ground. 'Twas epic.o_O :lol: