Forbidden - "Twisted Into Form"


Tyrant in Distress
It's a daunting task to review this metal masterpiece that was unleashed on the world in 1990. If you want the short version, it is go buy this album if you don't own it . Now, for the lengthier version. From the opening acoustic guitar on "Parting of the Ways" until the last notes of "One Foot in Hell", you are "Hypnotized by the Rhythm" (to use the title of a song of their next album) of "Twisted Into Form". The opener, the aforementioned acoustic track, draws you in only for you to be utterly demolished by the masterpiece "Infinite". I can't think of a better thrash song ever recorded. The third track "Out of Body (Out of Mind)" flows seamlessly from "Infinite" (I didn't know where the one stopped and the other started when I had the cassette version). After that, you are treated to "Step By Step", a catchier tune, but nonetheless still amazing. I could go on and on about each of the songs, but I don't really feel like writing for that long. Suffice it to say, this album engrosses you in a complex, textured masterpiece of metal. The lyrics are interesting and perceptive, the vocals are top-notch (clean, but not overly harmonic), and all of the instruments are played flawlessly to weave an intricate sonic web that will enthrall you from start to finish. This is thrash metal in its finest hour; I can't recommend this album enough.
The debut Forbidden CD is also great. At first I didn't like the change on "Green" but I have now come to like that CD also - though their first two are still the best if you want pure Bay Area Thrash. However "Distortion" is probably their heaviest. Forbidden just rule, enough said!
A lot of people love the debut, but I think it really suffered from weak production. I'll have to go listen to it again (it's been a while); maybe I'll change my opinion. Distortion is also awesome and Green was good, but a bit of a let down considering their prior releases. Too bad they broke up. There are rumors of a Bay Area Invasion tour includng Forbidden, but nothing has come about as far as I know. I wish I had been able to see them at TOTT, that would've been awesome. Btw, you list Utah as your location, where in Utah? I live in Provo. I've not met anyone here that appreciates good music, so I was a bit shocked to see someone from Utah on the board.
Difficult review eh?
Well I have to say that the only two records of Forbidden I like are Forbidden Evil & Twisted Into Form and that's because the later LP are much more influenced on the new Metal Scene like Pantera or stuff (even that they had a lot of FORBIDDEN on them)

Well Twisted... is far better than Forbbiden... because of the sound, the power of the vocals of Russ Anderson is stronger, the song are more complex yet catchy and the classics "Step by Step", "Twisted into Form" & "Tossed Away" (My favorite) are wonderful

It's a shame that Forbidden fade away with its strongful Metal maybe one day they'll return with a nes attittude and who knows?
where in Utah? I live in Provo.

Far up north, about 15 minutes past Brigham City in a dinky town. I wish the Quiet Riot show was in S.L.C. - Provo is just toooo stinkin' far to drive. And the fact that the show is on a weekday/workday is even worse! :( If it was a Saturday I would go.

Have you ever heard of Defiance? They are another Bay Area band, much in the style of Forbidden and all the others. If you don't have any of their CDs they are well worth seeking out.

N: Pink Cream 69 - Electrified.
Near Brigham City, eh? I was just in Logan this weekend (a buddy of mine from Oklahoma, where I grew up, is going to USU). I actually only recently discovered Defiance and haven't bought any of their CDs yet. What I've heard has been good. Aren't their CDs kind of hard to come by nowadays? Anyway, glad to meet someone in Utah who has good taste in music.
"I actually only recently discovered Defiance and haven't bought any of their CDs yet. Aren't their CDs kind of hard to come by nowadays?"

Their debut, PRODUCT OF SOCIETY might be a pain. I was rather lucky to find it at a used CD store in the Layton area. The second release VOID TERRA FIRMA and the 3'rd & final BEYOND RECOGNITION will show up on Ebay often. Also Century Media lists BEYOND for only $8 I think.