Force of Evil


24 Hours Ago...
Jan 2, 2005
City beneath the surface
While fishing around on emusic this weekend I came across this band that contains Mercyful Fate alumni, along with Iron Fire's lead singer, Force of Evil. I downloaded Black Empire, so here's a cut from it. Great song! Anyone else into this band?


I guess I didnt realize the vocalist was from Iron Fire. I have this disc, as well as the dvd they put out a few years ago. They are good in short bursts.... but they get pretty repetitive in length. Anyone want to buy a FoE dvd? ;)
I actually saw Force of Evil at the BWBK concert in Cleveland back in 2004. I will say this, it was pretty awesome seeing Shermann and Denner do their thing on stage as they are as talented as any guitar duo ever, but I just can't get into Martin Steene's vocals at all. I have tried to like his work with Iron Fire and I will say he has improved through the years, but when all is said and done, I can't get over the fact that he sounds like Barney the Purple Dinosaur to me...Hey kids!!!

I own Force of Evil-Forceof Evil and it is very good musically, don't I never find myself revisiting it...

Hey go to BU? I love me some Bradley Braves basketball!!!
^^^Ditto bud! BWBK should try to reorganize another event like that one, good memories, FANTASTIC linuep. And that was the first concert they ever played as FOE. Absolutely loved it when they did Curse of the Pharaohs and Evil! I've got both albums, I like the S/T much better than Black Empire.
I got both albums. "Force of Evil" is better than the debut, the whole horror movie concept suits very good to the music and the band. Sadly the project is on-hold probably waiting to split up.

Not an astonishing band, but an enjoyable one undoubtedly.