Forced Evolution - Modern Progressive Metal (Mixed By Ronnie_Rocker, produced by me)


des scoubidoubidous wha !
Jan 15, 2007

wanna present you the work of my band. Forced Evolution. I produced and engineered the recording. And Ronnie Björnström, Ronnie_Rocker on this forum, of Enhanced Audio Productions ( - mixed and mastered it.

Here is a first song :


We want feedback !!!!! Like it, love it or hate it, tell me what you think !!!

I would like to add that a lot of things would have not been possible without this incredible forum, Andy and the users of this forum who educated me concerning the basis of audio engineering. It is my first production. I also wanna say that working with Ronnie was easy and enjoyable. He really found the sound that suits the music of the band. Also, very important to me, he's pro and trustworthy.
Guitars are cool... maybe a touch on the thin side? They need to come up. Toms really aren't my thing, a little too "piffy" & no "boom"

Other than that, very nice indeed.

Guitars are cool... maybe a touch on the thin side? They need to come up. Toms really aren't my thing, a little too "piffy" & no "boom"

Other than that, very nice indeed.


hey Oz ! thanx for passing by.

Yeah I know. Toms are pretty horrible :puke:

We tracked everything with a firepod. so 8 tracks drums.
The only good mics I had were Rode NT5 and a sm57.

Before starting recording, I sampled all the toms with the good mics. And triggered the samples with some shitty microphones. I have experienced some huge difficulties to make the samples to trigger correctly.... And to make my drummer drumrolls sound natural. The result is very weak. Too bad because the rest of the drums is pretty good thanks to Ronnie. After the recording, I so much regretted not to buy 600$ worth of good tom mics. That'll teach me.

Guitars are 6505+3 channel mesa. 4 tracks.

HERE is a small vid of the recording if you guys are interested !

Also HERE.