My Band mixed by me mastered by Lasse

gabriel g.

Sep 7, 2006

We used 2 engle thunder amps (one new and one of the first generation)
with an old Marshall v30 4x12 and a framus v30 2x12
The new one had a tubescreamer in front.
Guitar was an Gibson Les Paul about 20 -30 years old but in best condition
Cab was mic´d Fredman style but with an MD421 on-axis and the sm57 off-axis.

Drums are a newer Pearl export with the J.Jordison snare.
Kick is 100% replaced and snare 70% . Toms are real.

Everything was engineered, tracked and mixed by me.

And Lasse did the mastering.

It was absolutely a pleasure to work with him. Super responsible and clocklike :)

Let me know what you think but:
No changes can be made anymore. Everything is done and Lasse will send me the mastered cd next week...

Also I got very helpfull tips from this community and I´m very thankfull for your help!!!

Awesome mix. Guitars sound a bit weird and plasticy though. But it works for the music and the mix, so it's cool.

Gang vocals sound fucking HUGE!
gabriel! congrats on your work.

i have to be honest and say that i find the guitars too saturated and toneless sounding... have you watched phases ? (especially important on dual miced guitars)

btw. : is this the final mastered version ?
seems like lasse has pushed this pretty high without artefacts!
cool job!
Yeah it is the final master version.

About guitars:
they are perfectly in phase, no technical problems here

but it was super hard to get the right guitar tone for the full album.
We have a lot of melodic oldschool-hc songs on the cd + some tougher influences + some metal stuff to deal the guitar sound had to be a compromise to fit every style and it had to give the full cd some straight vibe.

For me it is all about the big picture not just one element...that said I do respect your critique for sure!!!

and thanks for all the nice feedback!!!!!!!!!
hehe, yeah man, i know its always the hardest part ever to settle for a guitar sound :-) i hate those decisions. and i know your the guitarplayer, so
this is your decision and its all cool if the whole works !
there is ALWAYS someone complaining :-) we as artists
should never let technicians tell us how we have to sound,
your on the right path bro! :rock:
It sounds very good to me, but I'm agreeing that I don't love the guitars at all... This is the thing about the Engl voicing that I'm scared of. The mix is great, by the way, but the guitars distract me.
i dont know what it is about this link, but every time i click on it it lags the fuck outa my computer.. just this dropbox file though. anyone else get this?
Some more infos:

I only used my mackie onyx 1640 mic pres

Vocals were tracked with an Rode NT2A (I love this mic so much!!!!)

Our Bass player has the tech 21 VT Bass but we ended up using Podfarm.
He has a great Ibanez 5-string bass (kse style) and we used the Hi-Z input of the onyx.

I copied the take 3 times.
1. Ameg with lots gain
2. DI
3. some muddy setting to get the low-end

Then I send all the 3 to one bus with some eq and compression (Waves SSL comp)

About the guitar sound.
On the one side I totaly love the sound of a mesa or a peavey (going to buy the 6505 112 combo)
But on the other side I´m very happy with this outcome and that we have some unique guitar sound, thats not that common for that style of music

thank you guys for the feedback!!!!