Foreign cars.


What A Horrible Night To Have A Curse
Jun 5, 2002
Kandarian Ruins
Is this a big deal where you live? I'm just always shocked by the prejudice that "damn Jap cars" get even in California. Maybe this is just an American thing, but why is where your car built such a heated political issue, especially in the day and age where globalization is king?

EDIT: Why is Where should be the name of my next solo album. I refuse to fix that sentence because it will only get worse.
Public institutions I can understand, like it makes sense that Duh-bya doesn't drive around in a Toyota SUV and all the cops here drive Ferds and Chevies, but just normal citizens get shit for it in the US. I remember when I bought my last truck, a Toyota, I had a friend that said "I can't believe you bought a foreign vehicle," and I had to point out that not only was it purchased from a dealer IN THE US but also manufactured IN THE US by American workers, working IN THE US.

Of course then the best part is that the same people that give me shit drive a 100% AMERICAN MAN made in Mexico TRUCK. People don't act this way for computers, TVs, or a bunch of other crap with massive foreign competition.
Erik said:
I love how in England they used to use British cars for police vehicles but have to use BMW and stuff now because British cars are shit
Heehee, also the Mini, an historically veddy veddy Bri'ish car, now manufactured by BMW. :tickled:
yeah, when i bought it almost 16 months ago, i was expecting a lot of trouble with it knowing the history of British built cars ... but so far ... thanks God ... it has given me zero trouble .. and I certainly put it through it's paces daily.

it might be under BMW's wing, but it is still made in Oxford, England.

but it's funny, but I never heard this kind of thrash talk about foreign cars that you mention. but really in NYC you will mostly see foreign cars.
Whwen cops and such buy foreign cars it matters to our economics because they want a shitload and people actually get WORK building cars, so that matters, otherwise it's no big deal here. I was going to say mroe stuff but fvk that crap, I forghot what it was because DESTRÖYER 666 ROCKS MY SOCKS
I use a hand towel. :loco:

Yes of course Japanese cars are foreign unless you are in Japan, but it's like a stigma attached to it. Just strikes me as funny.
I do remember one time at college, in upstate NY, I brought my Jetta into a garage for some emergency work. The grease monkey (no really, he was very greasy and a monkey!) wiped his hands on a rag and said, "Hmm, got one of them foreign cars, huh?"

I panicked.
Holy shit, GrumpyDwarf. :dopey:

This model, a “farmer” of wagon type is a special cargo-passenger all-wheel drive truck with three side single-leafed doors and two-leafed body rear end door. The main advantage of the vehicle is that it can simultaneously accommodate: a driver, 6 passengers and 450 kg of cargo in the separate compartment. An interior table, more powerful heater, and other design innovations make this vehicle a most reliable helper when working as well as an irreplaceable companion when fishing, hunting or driving to the countryside.

Comfort, universality and off-road capability seem to be incompatible qualities but UAZ-3909 “Farmer” combines them all.

The vehicle is powered by petrol engines:
* Fuel displacement 2.445 L (output – 92 HP) produced by Zavolzhsky Engine Plant (ZMZ-402) or Ulyanovsky Engine Plant (UMZ-4178).
* Fuel displacement 2.89 L (output-98 HP) – 4218, produced by Ulyanovsky Engine Plant.
I REALLY want one of these.
both our cars are french, (citreon) though the little one was made in spain
couldn't really give a fuck where its made
I'd love one of those new skodas though...

there used to be a big thing about buying british
but if you want a british car it would have to be a rolls royce, jaguar, land rover or a rover who have just shut down and left everyone with one fucked for parts

the only car factory in northern ireland was the delorean
(those metal looking shitheaps from back to the future)
Hooray for Toyota, and I only buy used.

That said, we'll see what happens when GE goes down. It's coming.

If only GE had the prudence to cater to the economy, fuel efficient car audience, I don't think they would be in the trouble they are in right now.
NADatar said:
Of course then the best part is that the same people that give me shit drive a 100% AMERICAN MAN made in Mexico TRUCK.
bwahaha i just took a bunch of nyquil after working 18 hours and im about to pass the fuck out but this made me laugh hard. i was looking at an old F250 on the internet the other day (my favorite truck) and they posted a pic of the GVWR sticker. it said, "made in mexico". hahaha i was like fuck i cant drive *that* :lol:
My 88 Mazda outlasted just about every other car bought around the same time. Still running, but I sold it to a neighbor and bought a 2002 Altima. I expect it to last just as long.
Mark is the only one here that seemed to know something about Arlington VA
no joke, the most common cars here are BMW and Mercedes...
If you'll go to any parking lot here, you'll see so many German cars
especially the ones above...

It is a big deal here also... and yes, it is an American thing.
If they don't have a German luxury car, they have any luxury line:
Lex, Infinity, or Acura..
you know?

as far as making a big deal where your car came from...
its all a status symbol, y'know?

oh well.
My car is grey.