Foreign language music


Pillock of society
Apr 16, 2001
Do any of you listen to any music in a language other than English? I'm keen to expose myself to stuff I might not have heard before, and I don't tend to hear much foreign language stuff unless I seek it out. So, any recommendations would be appreciated. I don't really care what genre.
I give this a spin fairly regularly. Altan Urag. Mongolian Folk Rock. It's awesome:

I'd guess maybe 15-20% of all the music I listen to is foreign language. Some favourites that sprint to mind are Manigance (French), Saber Tiger (both English and Japanese songs), Mago de Oz (Spanish), Aspid (Russian), Moonsorrow (Finnish) and Melt Banana (Japanese). Some genres in my collection are very heavily foreign language (eg Latin, flamenco etc mostly in Spanish or Portuguese, Viking/folk/etc metal usually in a Scandinavian language). Hell, Trollfest even 'invented' their own language Trollspråk which nearly all of their songs are in, and is supposedly loosely based on a bastardisation of Norwegian and German.

Given that a lot of metal bands have vocals which no-one could possibly understand without a stand-alone lyric guide, I think it's one of the easier genres for bands to reach an audience outside of the native speakers of the language they're singing in.
Korpiklaani do a lot of songs in traditional Finnish.
Obviously you have Rammstein as well.

Lots of Japanese metal bands are back to singing only in Japanese. Onmyo-Za being one of the best in my opinion, since they have a male and female vocalist.
I think the only foreign language band I've listened to for any length of time is X-Japan, and even then some of their lyrics are in English.
Sweet as, I'll check out all the bands mentioned. The only one I currently listen to is Rammstein. Other than that, I've got a handful of Indonesian albums, but that's about all. Thanks chaps. :)
Lumsk are also amazing.

they seen in Dutch, Norsk or Danish, can't remember which exactly but have a male and female vocalists and excellent harmonies.

Tyr also do hald their songs in their native language, which is a non-mainstream Scandinavian tongue.
R.D.P. Awesome old school Brazilian hardcore band, they did one record in English, it was shit. I don't think they have done anything in years though, but search for 'em they are great
I have been listening to a bit of Lumsk the last 12 months. Their older stuff is heavy with more male vocal, but very good. Their later stuff much folkier with more female vocal. All in Norwegian. Check these out:


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I also listen to a bit of Icelandic music, some of which is in English and some in Icelandic. Here is Sólstafir, who's videos are quite good also. They're kind of like a dirty rock band mixed with some post rock.

Rökkurró make nice dreamy type stuff with female vocal that I enjoy.

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Only a tiny amount. Occasionally I'll find some vocals that have great character and the language doesn't matter, but it's even more of a rarity for me than getting into an instrumental band.

Hermética from Argentina might be my favourite that never used English. Check out that voice:

Bellzlleb mostly just uses Japanese even though they have some English song titles:

Bow Wow tried a couple of albums with Japanese songs before going back to English:

Divlje Jagode's 70s stuff is decent (Serbo-Croatian):

French doom band Northwinds occasionally did a song in French, eg. Broceliande or Chimeres.

In the industrial realm, Hurra Torpedo who made music incorporating household appliances have some songs in Norwegian.
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