Forest Of Shadows Anyone?


Junior Member
May 29, 2001
London, England
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im sure a lot of you have heard them right? they're really good and more than simillar to Opeth, i mean it heavily shows in the lyrics as well as the music. theres words like autumnal, forlon soul, painted death etc and anyway theyre really good. i just thought id mention that. anyway for some reason i cant access their site, it says im forbiden on my server. but its in case you can go.

Ps. My Dying Bride - April 27th London Mean Fidler (next door to gay club) get tickets now!!!
Originally posted by Demonspell
I downloaded their song Under The Dying Sun by chance...these guys could teach the bands on this forum how to properly rip off Opeth! :)

yeah but they sound really refreshing and to tell you the truth ive been listening to them more than Opeth lately. a really good band, pity theres only 3 (10 minute) songs on the album. i recommend everyone downloads a song of theirs. :grin: