Forest of Shadows - Six Waves of Woe

Dec 21, 2003
Sudbury, Canada
Forest of Shadows - Six Waves of Woe
Firebox Records – 2008
By Adam McAuley


A relatively emotionally dense album is offered here that is drenched in purely heavy riffs that never fail to let off the gas. The album is quite intense in its multi-layered approach and builds up great crescendos of sound for which to take witness of as it courses through the senses.

Forest of Shadows is able to build things up into great layers of a huge approach that is quite fitting for their wares. They bring an overwhelming aspect to their style that goes into grasping your attention by completely taking over all of the thoughts on the album and making everything breathtaking sounding and demanding of your attention. The sounds are very consistently bone shaking as they rise into a catharsis of greatness. They do not overwhelm you with a mess of sounds, however, but rather put a great deal of effort into making everything gel quite nicely in unison. This is also a downside as one wishes they would vary their thoughts a little more often, but they manage to make an outstanding sound out of a singular style.

The amount of passion put into the notes is an important factor here as they traverse through the musical territories quite well. A sort of sad vibe overwhelms the music here and adds a characteristic flavour to the band that makes them stand apart from the metal pack as seen from the last track 'Deprived', for example. However, this is also a down point as one would hope for a more outgoing demonstration of their abilities at times. Regardless, Forest of Shadows have crafted a very solid release in the form of Six Waves of Woe.

Official Forest of Shadows Website
Official Forest of Shadows MySpace
Official Firebox Records Website
Good review. You do realize that FS is a one-man band? This is a good album, in that, it sets out to accomplish what it's trying to do and say. Go with the EP "Where Dreams Turn To Dust" much better composition.