I am very much enjoying the new Suspyre album. For me, it has the edgy progressiveness of their previous alum, but more accessible.
Simultaneously with receiving the new Suspyre CD, I also picked up Forever's Edges debut "Chaotic Silence". Clay Barton lends his marvelous pipes to this effort and Greg Rossetti contributes orchestration, and assists with production and vocal melodies. Forever's Edge is led by guitarist Salvatore Pisano, who also shows considerable talent. Well worth checking out.
See links below.
Simultaneously with receiving the new Suspyre CD, I also picked up Forever's Edges debut "Chaotic Silence". Clay Barton lends his marvelous pipes to this effort and Greg Rossetti contributes orchestration, and assists with production and vocal melodies. Forever's Edge is led by guitarist Salvatore Pisano, who also shows considerable talent. Well worth checking out.

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