Forgotten Links of Hard Rock and Metal

I'm starting to see that Mia and Toby's adventures with the corpse flower were but one small piece in their unique puzzle.
lizard said:
I guess you could say that Al Fish was metal before it was hip. or thigh.
Best part. :lol: x2318905ij42m8724
HAHAHAHA that rocks. Some Friday afternoons I search through the archives of that board, but I've never come across that.
His mole needs to be displayed in a glass case in the rock & roll hall of fame, regardless of the fact that I believe it has no legitimacy.They should also have an exhibit of bands whose catalogues are unjustly ignored by radio except for a handful of songs played ad nauseum, which most of the bands listed here would qualify.
lizard said:
I'd go see motorhead. Lemmy's getting older and given his past amphetamine usage, who knows how much longer the old liver will hold out.
That's what I was thinking, the trouble is getting any of my douche crew interested...