Former DEATH/CONTROL DENIED Guitarist Suffers Heart Attack; Financial Assistance Need


Dopefish lives!
Jul 18, 2006
Last month, Shannon Hamm, guitarist for DEATH and CONTROL DENIED, and mastermind behind up-and-coming band BEYOND UNKNOWN, found himself in the ICU (Intensive Care unit) of his local hospital. As it turns out, he had suffered a serious heart attack while at home.

Commented Shannon: "Due to a complete arterial blockage, I suffered a near-fatal heart attack (I would have been dead inside an hour had 911 not been called) resulting in an emergency procedure in which a 3 mm x 18 mm coronary stent was placed in my heart via cardiac catheterization, sealed at the groin with an angio-seal vascular closure device. This means a tube with a camera was run through my arteries/heart via my groin. My heart rate is being kept between 48 and 53 beats per minute, and I will continue to see the cardiologist and family doctor indefinitely, as well as undergo various tests and blood work on an ongoing basis."

Shannon, like so many of us, lives without any health insurance.

In order to assist him continue care and cover mounting medical bills, prescription costs, and basic living expenses, his friends and family are reaching out to the musical community. Family has opened a special fund in his name and we welcome any assistance that fans, friends, and family may be able to offer. We realize that current economic conditions have hit most of us very hard but anything can make a difference, especially when we all come together.

Anyone wishing to establish an official fundraiser should first contact us to register the event and ensure that you are included on any web announcements, etc.

Please direct your donations to the following:

Wire transfer: Chase Bank - Attn Mandi Murphy
760 E. Merritt Island Cswy.
Merritt Island, FL. 32952-3509
(321) 452-0482 phone / (321) 452-2565 fax

Chase account info:

Name: Shannon Hamm
Routing No: 267084131
Account No: 852645043

Checks/money orders via snail mail:

P.O. Box 542038
Merritt Island, FL. 32954-2038

Via PayPal:

General inquiries may be sent to

Source: blabbermouth

Maybe anyone has a buck or two to spare...
I hear ya Kev, but health insurance really is ludicrously expensive over here - I don't know the whole story, of course, but seeing as how he's an extreme metal guitarist, I doubt he's exactly rolling in money, so I would imagine it was a case of simply being unable to afford it, rather than spending all the money on hookers and blow :D
Yeah, I'm guessing since Shannon was on TSoP that he played on the Live in LA vid? Cuz I remember really being blown away by how awesome the other guitarist on that was on that; Chuck's solos were definitely identifiable, and I wouldn't have them any other way because it was his style, but Shannon you could tell was really the virtuoso, his solos took it to the next level for me :headbang:
Yeah, I'm guessing since Shannon was on TSoP that he played on the Live in LA vid? Cuz I remember really being blown away by how awesome the other guitarist on that was on that; Chuck's solos were definitely identifiable, and I wouldn't have them any other way because it was his style, but Shannon you could tell was really the virtuoso, his solos took it to the next level for me :headbang:

Yeah that´s true, he played on TSoP...minor role though, but I really love his solos :) You know what..I´ll watch the LA video now :headbang:

I really love this Control Denied song. One of the best Powermetal songs of alltime imo...

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Not being funny, but IMO live by the sword, die by the sword and dont expect people to pay for your medical treatment when you've been living it up.

Really wouldn't expect this sort of attitude from someone in the UK... :zombie:

All I can say is that I hope you American guys do get this healthcare reform, because everyone deserves the right to free medical treatment imho - regardless of whether it was caused by their own excesses. I think its human nature to want to help people that get hurt - if someone gets drunk and hurts themselves for example - you dont stand by and say 'they deserved it', you go and help them.

And I must say I find it pretty disturbing that some of the same people that are pro-life don't support healthcare reform that could enable guys like Shannon to live, especially without crippling financial burden. :err:
I hear ya Kev, but health insurance really is ludicrously expensive over here - I don't know the whole story, of course, but seeing as how he's an extreme metal guitarist, I doubt he's exactly rolling in money, so I would imagine it was a case of simply being unable to afford it, rather than spending all the money on hookers and blow :D

Its not our fault he picked extreme metal as a genre eh? :heh: Ignore me tho, ma balls might be swaying a bit too far to the right tonight :lol:

Öwen;8589781 said:
Really wouldn't expect this sort of attitude from someone in the UK... :zombie:

Well dude, the prospect of seeing 33% + 17.5% VAT of my earnings get taken by the government every month doesnt really tickle me ya know, especially when some guy comes round the corner and gets it for SWEET F.A. The difference is, the people paying into the pot get owned by all the freeloaders in this country, who cant be fucked to get off their arses. In the US you are left to die/get financially crippled instead.

Dont get me wrong, im not up for seeing people die dude- I just think this world has too much of this "live the high life and worry about it later" attitude and people need to wake the fuck up. Look at the route of the whole financial crisis at the moment for example.

Its going on now with a lot of my mates, who are going to be so fucked up when it comes round to retirement time because they piss and smoke away every penny they have. Anyway, I should stop my rant about now, as it is going to be a potential candidate for thread derail :lol:
Öwen;8589781 said:
Really wouldn't expect this sort of attitude from someone in the UK... :zombie:

All I can say is that I hope you American guys do get this healthcare reform, because everyone deserves the right to free medical treatment imho - regardless of whether it was caused by their own excesses. I think its human nature to want to help people that get hurt - if someone gets drunk and hurts themselves for example - you dont stand by and say 'they deserved it', you go and help them.

And I must say I find it pretty disturbing that some of the same people that are pro-life don't support healthcare reform that could enable guys like Shannon to live, especially without crippling financial burden. :err:

While I have no problem with donating money to help out someone who I think is worthy of it, I DO have a problem with the government taking my hard earned money by force to take care of irresponsible people.

No one has the right to free health care... You can't have the right to someone else's life/property/work. That's not a right, that's a claim, and a claim without backing.
While I have no problem with donating money to help out someone who I think is worthy of it, I DO have a problem with the government taking my hard earned money by force to take care of irresponsible people.

No one has the right to free health care... You can't have the right to someone else's life/property/work. That's not a right, that's a claim, and a claim without backing.

While you guys look at from that "oh no, the government is taking my hard earned money to pay for people who fuck around all day", I see it as "Oh fine, I'll pay this money but in return I get the care I need if I ever get fucked up myself, and it's comforting to know that all my friends and my family and everybody I know will also get the care they need when that day comes".

On the other hand, I live in communist Sweden (well, compared to USA and a few other countries, we're pretty communistic I suppose!) so... a different mindset right? :)
Im with Parsons on this one. Erkan, I also agree with your point- you have defined health insurance. I have no problem in paying the money as I will no doubt need the health system here oneday. I just dont like to see fuckers expecting care to be free for them for some reason when all the rest are paying their hard earned. If the government choose to make it free for all then thats great, but that money will have to come from somewhere.
While you guys look at from that "oh no, the government is taking my hard earned money to pay for people who fuck around all day", I see it as "Oh fine, I'll pay this money but in return I get the care I need if I ever get fucked up myself, ...".

You just described health insurance there. Would you buy into a health insurance plan where you weren't responsible for just you, but for everyone? I wouldn't... it's a terrible idea. Only when the element of force/violence is brought in to enforce it does it become plausible.

I wonder if the amount of taxes it takes to provide free healthcare to all is cheaper than private healthcare? That would be an interesting study to see.
While I have no problem with donating money to help out someone who I think is worthy of it, I DO have a problem with the government taking my hard earned money by force to take care of irresponsible people.

No one has the right to free health care... You can't have the right to someone else's life/property/work. That's not a right, that's a claim, and a claim without backing.

Whilst I'm not wanting to get into a huge debate here, because I'm sure this has been covered, I think its this sort of attitude that allows insurance companies to rob people blind, not that I feel your argument is without its merits - simply that it keeps the crooks in charge.

I don't think the Brittish system is perfect by any means, but it makes a lot of sense to me to give everyone access to free healthcare by paying taxes, everyone pays taxes to have access and to see the benefit of other public services - keeping the roads in good condition, binmen, libraries. I don't understand why the same shouldn't be the same for healthcare. Everyone should have that basic access and if they want to go private then they should have that option also.

But when companies have absolute power, or a monopoly, over other peoples health, based on fiscal status I think its genuinely dangerous.

The government takes your money to take care of irresponsible people anyway, the people that get drunk and disorderly and require policing for example, but its rarely ever black and white, maybe I have too much hope for other people, but if in a situation where someone was hurt I'd help them regardless for my judgement of them as a person, I'm don't feel the need to be the morality police as it were (not saying that you do of course).
Just to add to this, I should note that the National Health Service here in England is pretty poorly run although gets its job done in the end- in fact any government run organisation I can think of in the world is pretty bad in comparison to anything private.

I guess its where you draw the line on life's basic needs in the end.
Not getting involved in the whole healthcare reform/insurance debate...that's another topic. Back to the original post though, this kind of stuff pisses me off...I personally know several people that are in the same boat right now...medical bills in the $100K range. But because they don't play in a band or are some kind of public figure...I don't see anyone trying to help them out. Why does he deserve better treatment than people I know? Pfff.
Not getting involved in the whole healthcare reform/insurance debate...that's another topic. Back to the original post though, this kind of stuff pisses me off...I personally know several people that are in the same boat right now...medical bills in the $100K range. But because they don't play in a band or are some kind of public figure...I don't see anyone trying to help them out. Why does he deserve better treatment than people I know? Pfff.

i think that if you've made a name for yourself somewhat and your music has touched peoples lives, it's fair enough to try whatever you can to get your medical bills paid for. it's not a case of the hospital giving him better care because of 'who he is'. its only fans of his/death who will donate

in an interview with richard christy he said he never made enough money to live off doing death and i'm sure shannon has never made much money from the bands he's been in.