Former DEATH/CONTROL DENIED Guitarist Suffers Heart Attack; Financial Assistance Need

I think alot of the views by people on this site are VERY biased todo with healthcare reform but I'm not going to get involved

and why should we help him just becuase he is a musician? Well because he is a person and IMO no one should have to die of something that can be treated in a strait forward manner regardless of what society thinks of them.

Yeah, it's for my whole family (1 kid), and when we signed up we got "preferred status" because we had clean checkups.
We've hardly used it at all and still it goes up constantly. It has almost doubled since we signed up, and the coverage isn't even that good.

I don't have any problem with a public health care plan. Bring it on. Insurance shouldn't be making billionaires out of anybody. It should be helping people, that's it.
You fucking tools. Take this shit elsewhere; this thread is about the original post.. some guy who needs help. Either help, or shut the fuck up.
I do believe the subject is linked to the original post, Drew. After all, how did this guy wind up in this situation?

I really feel bad for him. His best bet would have been to fly to Detroit, cross the Ambassador & show up in an emergency room. (Not that I'm advocating any illegal activity.) Or find a Canadian girl who'd marry him REAL fast.
Or find a Canadian girl who'd marry him REAL fast.

sounds like the best bet to me!

seriously this shit is really fucked up, that guy and so many others need treatment and are forced to beg for money of other people in order to just stay alive.

P.S. i say beg for money in a totally sympathetic way, it's not in any way a dig at Shannon or anyone else who has done this/had this done for them
Exactly, as with most other private things. Why else go private?

I won't get all deep into this subject since I'm not an american/don't live in the states but damn that was funny and pretty well put Glenn.

+ 10 000.

I think, Erkan, that we'd agree on most political matters. :kickass:
Yes it is. Private care is in it for profit.

I can't for the life of me understand the opposition to public care in the US. Stealth Bombers for $1 Billion apiece? No problem!
F22 Raptors that don't work in the rain? Sure!
Health care for the lazy fucks down the road? No fucking way! Not with my tax dollars!


I find the whole idea of insurance utterfly fucking retrarded. "You pay me $600 every 30 days, and if something happens where you need something taken care of, we'll deeply consider paying for some of it." That's fucking robbery. Stupid fucking cheap bastard fucks. "Oh what? You're sick? Fuck off. Oh you have a brain tumor and need to get some tests done? That won't be covered. Thanks for all your money over the years, but die, you invalid fucking cunt."

:mad: :bah:
Öwen;8589781 said:
If someone gets drunk and hurts themselves for example - you don't stand by and say 'they deserved it', you go and help them.

Wow, you really don't know how America works do you. I can't remember when but someone got struck by a car in NYC and nobody fucking got involved at all, just let the poor bastard lay in the street. Cars just drove around him.

As a country we suck about as hard as you can when it comes to helping people out. Not saying it's a good thing, just saying how it is.
OT: Plus, anything government run here in the USA is fucking SLOW and INEFFICIENT.

What I would personally like to see is more competition. Right now if you need car insurance you have literally over 30 companies to chose from. You need renters, or property insurance same deal.

You need health insurance? Fuck that you get 2 choices. Not much competition and they can pretty much do whatever they like because there isn't a better option, there is NO OPTION.

Government agencies in America hire the dumbest fucks they can find, lazy cunts that don't do shit because they have no fear of getting fired. Just take a look at road workers making $28+ an hour to stand around leaning on a shovel all day.

Medicade/medicare sucks. My mother took my brother (who costs the government a lot unfortunately due to being profoundly mentally and physically disabled. He will cost the government money for the rest of his life) to the doctors office to get a flu shot. The Doctor was like "yeah we can give it... wait your on medicare." So my mother was like "can't we just pay out of pocket?" The doctor said "not if your on medicare they don't let you." PLUS she found out that medicare patients get a DIFFERENT LOT OF FLU SHOTS then everyone else! The doctor couldn't give the shot because they didn't have the right lot sent from the government yet.

If the current form of government run healthcare is any indication of how it will be they can take that shit and cram it.

On topic: Sorry to hear that he had a heart attack, that sucks.
What part of the word "OPTION" do people not understand? No one would force you to use it, and don't give me that "slippery slope" nonsense...

Plus, as slow as any government system may be the current system is slower than hell also. A public option would make for less paperwork at the administrative levels of the hospitals. It would likely not be any faster, but not much worse either.

But the biggest thing I have issue with is that many people who think they have coverage would get a rude awakening if they happened to come down with something in January and realize their max coverage for the year isn't going to cover their surgery AND their chemo... And then whoops, you forgot to disclose your previous acne to the agency so we're dropping you on your skin-cancer ridden ass.

I do not believe in full government control of health care but I do believe in a system that offers a public option for the man who's been walking around with a dead tooth for six months. Am I willing to pay for it myself? Hell yeah. Its not like I don't already spend a third of my paychecks on weed and netflix anyway...
Wow, you really don't know how America works do you. I can't remember when but someone got struck by a car in NYC and nobody fucking got involved at all, just let the poor bastard lay in the street. Cars just drove around him.

As a country we suck about as hard as you can when it comes to helping people out. Not saying it's a good thing, just saying how it is.

Yes well maybe I'm a bit naive as to the way your part of the world "works", I don't live in it after all so give me the benefit of the doubt for assuming that some people might have a degree of compassion, but I have to say thats just fucking sad.
A government run plan/public option/social healthcare system/whatever you want to call it would change little in my opinion. There are too many politicians (both Republicans and Democrats) with the hands deep in the pocket of insurance companies. These exorbitant rates for health care would merely be shuffled around and hidden in different ways, and would ultimately get passed on to the consumer in the long run.

A much more responsible option in my opinion would be to run through a large series of tort reforms, and introduce new regulations for insurance companies that would encourage competition, while temporarily providing subsidies to low income families who wish to get health insurance.
I don't know about health insurance in USA, but the reason my whole family is moving to Spain is because the social insurance pays for absolutely everything concerning the treatment for my dad's cancer, and even being here in venezuela the spanish insurance payed for his surgery here. Cause he's Spanish of course.

That's all I can say, and really sorry to hear that happening to Shannon, a great musician I totally respect and would donate something if it was possible for me to do so (and that's another reason why I'm leaving this country)
i can't find Shannon's number.. i had it, but it's eluding me now that i really want to call him. if any who reads this has it, please PM it to me. thx.
I hear of people asking for help with medical bills here in the US even when they have insurance, so the arguments are irrelevant to me. I donated for Chuck, and I'll do my best to donate what I can for Shannon as well. I went through some rock-bottom times when JM was in need so I couldn't help when he was in need, but would be glad to if he was still in the same position. I hope a few people here do a little something and help out Shannon if you can. I know plenty of others who don't have medical insurance because they can't afford it even when employed, and have to live life on the safe side at all times because thier whole family would be screwed if something happened to them.