Former DEATH/CONTROL DENIED Guitarist Suffers Heart Attack; Financial Assistance Need

I was just listening to Death's final cd at work yesterday. Great playing. I am totally going to send some of the money I normally spend on strippers to help this dude out.
i believe there may be a storm brewing.
its name is James Murphy
just spotted this when i came back to see if anyone had Shannon's number... and all i can say is, what?? :confused: you been eating the funny mushrooms or something?

no idea what you are on about, or how it could in any possible way be relevant to Shannon's health.

Öwen;8593536 said:
Yes well maybe I'm a bit naive as to the way your part of the world "works", I don't live in it after all so give me the benefit of the doubt for assuming that some people might have a degree of compassion, but I have to say thats just fucking sad.

obviously GuitarGodgt doesn't speak for the whole country. maybe it's like that in NY, but not in places I've been.

yeah, well you were right after all then...

i lose my health insurance next month, due to having too many surgeries... one i've had, my hand, and another coming up that i'm not going to get into on here. I'll be uncovered yet again. i would like to have had the choice of a public option to cover me until i could be healthy long enough to get new insurance on my own. So to hell with anyone on here that is against National Health for the US. Don't worry though, thx to some turncoat, health-insurance-lobby-paid-off Democrat Senators, your side won and the public option is off the table... for now.

my own mother, who was injured on her job and eventually won a lawsuit and was put on disability insurance went 3 years, the length of her lawsuit proceedings, with no insurance, and suffered greatly during that time because of it.

conservative views on the subject of public health in this country make me want to puke. fuck republicans, fuck Rush Limbaugh, and to hell with any musician or anyone in the arts in any capacity (this includes audio engineers, producers, etc.) that align themselves with the morally bankrupt conservative ideology. Dems/Liberals are not that much better as a whole though, i'm more of a liberal-leaning independent.

Shannon may or may not have insurance, but if it's anything like mine it will punish him for getting sick, and won't pay for everything.... you know, the same things conservatives are warning will happen if we vote a national healthcare program into being... the idiots, it's not some scary thing that will happen IF we get national health, it's the status quo now.

every other industrialized nation has national health, why can't we?? doctors are still wealthier than musicians in Sweden, are they not??

all the best to Shannon and his family. i'm still trying to find his number.
yeah, well you were right after all then...

i lose my health insurance next month, due to having too many surgeries, one i've had.. my hand, and another coming up that i'm not going to get into on here... i'll be uncovered yet again... i would like to have had the choice of a public option to cover me until i could be healthy long enough to get new insurance on my own... so to hell with anyone on here that is against National Health for the US. Don't worry though, thx to some turncoat, health-insurance-lobby-paid-off Democrat Senators, your side won and the public option is off the table.. for now.

my own mother, who was injured on her job and eventually won a lawsuit and was put on disability insurance went 3 years, the length of her lawsuit proceedings, with no insurance, and suffered greatly during that time because of it.

conservative views on the subject of public health in this country make me want to puke. fuck republicans, fuck Rush Limbaugh, and to hell with any musician or anyone in the arts in any capacity (this includes audio engineers, producers, etc.) that align themselves with the morally bankrupt conservative ideology. Dems/Liberals are not that much better as a whole though, i'm more of a liberal-leaning independent.

Shannon may or may not have insurance, but if it's anything like mine it will punish him for getting sick, and won't pay for everything.... you know the things conservatives are warning will happen if we vote a national health care program into being... the idiots, it's not some scary thing that will happen IF we get national health, it's the status quo now.

every other industrialized nation has national health, why can't we?? doctors are still wealthier than musicians in Sweden, are they not??

all the best to Shannon and his family. i'm still trying to find his number.

+ Infinity.
yeah, well you were right after all then...

i lose my health insurance next month, due to having too many surgeries, one i've had.. my hand, and another coming up that i'm not going to get into on here... i'll be uncovered yet again... i would like to have had the choice of a public option to cover me until i could be healthy long enough to get new insurance on my own... so to hell with anyone on here that is against National Health for the US. Don't worry though, thx to some turncoat, health-insurance-lobby-paid-off Democrat Senators, your side won and the public option is off the table.. for now.

my own mother, who was injured on her job and eventually won a lawsuit and was put on disability insurance went 3 years, the length of her lawsuit proceedings, with no insurance, and suffered greatly during that time because of it.

conservative views on the subject of public health in this country make me want to puke. fuck republicans, fuck Rush Limbaugh, and to hell with any musician or anyone in the arts in any capacity (this includes audio engineers, producers, etc.) that align themselves with the morally bankrupt conservative ideology. Dems/Liberals are not that much better as a whole though, i'm more of a liberal-leaning independent.

Shannon may or may not have insurance, but if it's anything like mine it will punish him for getting sick, and won't pay for everything.... you know the things conservatives are warning will happen if we vote a national health care program into being... the idiots, it's not some scary thing that will happen IF we get national health, it's the status quo now.

every other industrialized nation has national health, why can't we?? doctors are still wealthier than musicians in Sweden, are they not??

all the best to Shannon and his family. i'm still trying to find his number.
Couldn't agree more...
yeah, well you were right after all then...

i lose my health insurance next month, due to having too many surgeries... one i've had, my hand, and another coming up that i'm not going to get into on here. I'll be uncovered yet again. i would like to have had the choice of a public option to cover me until i could be healthy long enough to get new insurance on my own. So to hell with anyone on here that is against National Health for the US. Don't worry though, thx to some turncoat, health-insurance-lobby-paid-off Democrat Senators, your side won and the public option is off the table... for now.

my own mother, who was injured on her job and eventually won a lawsuit and was put on disability insurance went 3 years, the length of her lawsuit proceedings, with no insurance, and suffered greatly during that time because of it.

conservative views on the subject of public health in this country make me want to puke. fuck republicans, fuck Rush Limbaugh, and to hell with any musician or anyone in the arts in any capacity (this includes audio engineers, producers, etc.) that align themselves with the morally bankrupt conservative ideology. Dems/Liberals are not that much better as a whole though, i'm more of a liberal-leaning independent.

Shannon may or may not have insurance, but if it's anything like mine it will punish him for getting sick, and won't pay for everything.... you know, the same things conservatives are warning will happen if we vote a national healthcare program into being... the idiots, it's not some scary thing that will happen IF we get national health, it's the status quo now.

every other industrialized nation has national health, why can't we?? doctors are still wealthier than musicians in Sweden, are they not??

all the best to Shannon and his family. i'm still trying to find his number.

^ and that's what happens in conversations; one subject leads naturally to another that's related. it's when a topic takes an unrelated turn that we should be calling for locked or edited threads, not every time there's a natural progression... how boring and one-dimensional must "conversations" here be, truly?

having said that, this thread had run it's course, had no comments for two days, and was well on it's way to page 2, making it a non-issue... until your post knocked it back up to the top of page 1.

FTR, this post is not a challenge to you specifically Hamish, and it's certainly not meant as an "attack" of any sort. it is however meant as a call to all of us to beware tendencies toward censorial behavior. you can scarcely read a thread that makes it beyond one page in length on this forum that doesn't show some natural progression in the discussion... and this is normal for human discourse. but, when it happens on a forum there's always a knee-jerk reaction by someone along the line to cry "off-topic". sometimes it really has gone off-topic, but many times it's just a natural progression.

let's fight the knee-jerk reaction-ism and put a bit more thought into whether or not a thread has truly gone off-topic, or whether it's made a natural and/or logical progression... that's what i'm asking. otherwise we risk this place becoming rigid, boring, non-dynamic, and far less informed/relevant.
Agreeing with James here.

But I really don't mind if this thread keeps getting bumped for the higher cause of making and keeping people aware of Shannon's condition. Even if one occasional lurker stumbles over this thread and decides to help, it's been worth the bump.
Donation sent!

Pro-public health care over here! Private health care is great for the rich, the rest of us need help from time to time.
In Spain we have public health, but just in case, as I'm hypochondriac, I also pay 450 € for private health. I'm overprotected.

Public health is ok, but sometimes you have to wait for 2 months or more to be operated, and there are terrible queues for some kind of doctors meanwhile in private hospitals you wait nothing.

Wish the best for Shannon.
In Spain we have public health, but just in case, as I'm hypochondriac, I also pay 450 € for private health. I'm overprotected.

Public health is ok, but sometimes you have to wait for 2 months or more to be operated, and there are terrible queues for some kind of doctors meanwhile in private hospitals you wait nothing.

Wish the best for Shannon.

I´m moving to spain BECAUSE of the public health (and the technology and doctors) for my dad to get his free and quality treatment for his cancer in comparation to the shitty and expensive as fuck treatment he could get here, and luckily my father has two cousins that are important doctors in the hospital he´s going to, so he´s up in the waiting list and will begin as soon as he arrives at A coruña. Just mentioning, because he is spanish the social insurance from over there actually payed for his expensive surgery he had here in Venezuela. I´d say the public healthcare in spain is pretty damn good