forum announcement! (Andy Sneap presets)

Lasse Lammert

HCAF Blitzkrieg
Feb 12, 2009
metal foundry and all other software belongs to the equipment section.
Andy Sneap's presets belong there as well, if you'd take the time to even open that sub forum you'll see that these "news" have been posted several times today.
I've moved/deleted/closed/merged/redirected 8 (eight!!!) fucking threads about this from the main forum TODAY!

everyone who posts AGAIN about this in the main forum or opens a new thread about it just proves that he didn't even make the effort to browse the forum a tiny bit.
a new post about this in the main section will lead to an immediate 1 month ban, no excuses!
ummm....feel free to open another one :D
i guess 1 month ban would help you get some more porn shot ^^
j/k ;)
Andy says "y'know" more than a footballer. :D

Considering the genre of music he has played a very large part in shaping I'm surprised to find he agrees with so many of my own views (the "over-digitization of music", "laptop bands", musicians playing beyond their physical ability, people needing the experience of working with many bands etc....) makes me wonder if a large amount of "Oh god, what have I done....?" is setting in in Andy's old age. :D
Yep, I think this is a good thing. I was starting to believe the pro tools threads were getting a little crazy, but on the other hand they each had their own identity. So for instance if someone opened a thread in the production thread on implementing the presets I think that would be appropriate. But another announcement would be incredibly lame.

Also: I think we should change the "so the new EZX is called..." thread to "Toontrack Metal Month"

Just my .02
Also: I think we should change the "so the new EZX is called..." thread to "Toontrack Metal Month"

This. I didn't know the Sneap stuff had been announced in that thread until after I made my thread in Equip.
whoever shot that video of Andy on the toontrack site is either a member of Accept or is slightly gay for Andy ... I swear there are more closeups of Andy's chest and crotch in that video than there are screenshots of the software :D