Forum FAQ


Apr 5, 2002
Melbourne, Australia
I'm just wondering how you all (and in particular Andy, I suppose) would feel about this forum having an FAQ?

There are a lot of questions that reccur, and it might be good to just have a collection bin with everything relevant to newcomers within reach.

Things to put in I figured would be...

Key things Andy has said
Andy's rough EQ guide
The fabled C4 setting
Definitions of 'tracking, mixing and mastering'
How to pan 4 rhythms


All the common things that come up. I think it would create more space on the forum for actual discussion, and just make things easier to navigate through.

Just a suggestion anyway.
why you shouldn't buy bfd :)

was there not a post about this a couple of months ago and nothing appeared to have happened in so much as i can't find a faq bit.
It's always going to be a question of, who's going to put the thing together, and of course whether Andy wants it stickied at all.

I think guru did a good job on Smyth's forum, and I think virtually the same thread but posted here would be great.