An FAQ for this forum?


Apr 5, 2002
Melbourne, Australia
There must be endless questions that are repeated time and time again on here... I think to stop people asking the same stuff over and over (and to save Andy finger-strain) it'd be a good idea to get all the most common settings and ideas into one place. Andy's C4 setting... optimal guitar tracking etc. etc. All that crap that constitutes a 'good' recording.

How does everyone else feel about this idea?
On my site, I have a page with a lot of Mr Sneap's tips/techniques, along with a few other metal producers (Mr Chang etc). It's a bit messy at the minute in terms of formating and stuff (plus there's an updated version to be uploaded when my server stops playing silly buggers :erk: ), but it may be useful to some of you guys.

If you have any comments or whatever, pass them on.

Go to the Get Recording! link of the link.

Directory of Dirge
on another forum i often visit we have a METAthread for this purpose.
All related stuff is supervised by a few members and maintained for maximum acces and comprehensebility
I was thinking this today....
I dont think we should have one.

Sure people might ask repetitive questions, but if people ask, Andy might add something new to the table each time he has to answer so you might learn a little more.

I'd rather have a chnace to learn a little more than have someone point to a FAQ.