Forum Getogether thread


Somewhere Far Beyond
Sep 13, 2005
Sydney, NSW
If anyone is interested, tonight in about two hours im off to my local club (marconi) to watch the footy. i hope theres a big screen somewhere but doubt it, probably just a little teevee). Anyays yeh, gonna eat/play pool/GAMBLE! HIT! If interested come, ill be near the bar and snooker tables n shit.

Its pretty much on prarievale road/mimosa road. Just a bit west of mimosa road if u wanna look it up on whereis.
Well fuck you all too!

Explains all your greatness in geetar too.

Footy is the shit! Maiden and footy are number 1!
If anyone is interested, tonight in about two hours im off to my local club (marconi) to watch the footy. i hope theres a big screen somewhere but doubt it, probably just a little teevee). Anyays yeh, gonna eat/play pool/GAMBLE! HIT! If interested come, ill be near the bar and snooker tables n shit.

Its pretty much on prarievale road/mimosa road. Just a bit west of mimosa road if u wanna look it up on whereis.

you could have called me you stupid idiot, me and Jove could have like walked there. My dad was there last night invited me to come with him bah
you could have called me you stupid idiot, me and Jove could have like walked there. My dad was there last night invited me to come with him bah

I ahte ringing smsing everyone cause then i waste 5 bucks and no one ever comes. I had my fun, even though i lost my money or the first try scorer.
Fucking STRYPER KILL WASP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And you mention going to the sharkies game, wtf has gotten into you ben. You fucking like christian metal and now like footy? Damn. Stryper FTW!!

I think we should start a poll dude, Whos Better WASP or Stryper??

WASP grind Stryper into the ground:kickass: :kickass:

EDIT : You suck stormy hahaha