Things to do Thursday Night


New Metal Member
Feb 9, 2006
Chicago Heights, IL
Hey guys, I introduced myself in the lodging thread, but I'll do it again here in case some havent read that one.

I live 2 minutes away from where this years Powerfest is going to be. I am pumped to be able to see Morgana Lefay in my hometown. I've been a fan since my senior year of high school shortly after Sanctified came out. I've bought every album since then as they came out.

I was at last years show. I was the guy that sang Rumours of Rain karaoke the night before last year.

As for stuff to do. I'll say this, Mr Kelley's Music Box is a physically larger venue than JJ Kelleys is, so for that, there will be more room for the show, but unfortunately, its in a much more boring area.

If any of you are looking for something to do the night before the show, there are two strip clubs near the place. One is about 3 minutes down the road, called Club 390. Its a topless bar with full nude dances. I believe the cover is $10, but its a pretty decent place. About 5 minutes away, on route 30 is Jimmy's. Its not as nice of a place, but theres no cover to get in. I know alot of you are staying in the hotels near I-80 and Halsted. There is another nudie bar called The Skybox which is about 2 minutes north of that area that is fairly large. I know they have full nude private dances there, but they also have a $10 cover. Although all well drinks and bottled beers are $1. If you want to know where the places are with "champagne rooms", well, you'll just have to ask! :)

If nudity isnt your thing, theres a little shithole bar across the street from the Musicbox called TZers. Its sort of a neighborhood type bar. Not much is exciting there, but they do have 4-5 pool tables and is decently sized, so theres places to sit down.

If you want to go to a little nicer of a bar, theres a couple in Homewood, IL, which is about 5 minutes away from the Music box. Two that come in mind are Lassens, and the Fifth Quarter. Fifth Quarter is a bit larger of a bar, and has more TVs in it and an excellent kitchen. It is a typical sports bar themed place. Lassens is a smaller bar, but on Thursday nights, they have 25 cent wings, and I tell ya, these are some of the best wings I've ever had. Theyre huge...bigger than Hooters wings. Plus they also serve $2.50 32 oz Mason Jars with Bud Light if thats your thing. I highly recomend the wings if you want. Another cool thing about Lassens is they have one of those Internet jukeboxes where you can download some obscure stuff and play it. You cant get Morgana Lefay on it, but people look at me weird when I am playing old school Anthrax, Testament, and Maiden on there! :)

Lets see...if you wanted to go back to JJ Kelleys (where the show was last year) for some Thursday night karaoke, its maybe a 15-20 minute drive...depending on traffic. There is still a LOT of construction around where JJ Kelleys is.

If you want Hooters, the one by JJ Kelleys in Lansing, IL is the nearest once again, thats about 15-20 minutes from the Music box.

I am grasping for things to do in the area, but if anyone has any questions, I'm here to answer them! Take care!

Yayyy boobies!!!!!! Since its a tradition at Prog Power at Cheetahs we should make it a tradition at Powerfest LOL


NP: Masterplan - Dark from the Dying
hmm, there needs to be a MikeEckman every time there's a good concert around in any city :)

I appreciate the info, except that I won't be there until the day of.
I'm hoping PowerFest grows into something as great as ProgPower, with a bit more of a Power attitude of course, as there is still some room for improvement from the almighty PP. Then I'll have at least an excuse twice a year to just leave iowa for an extended period of time for some real entertainment!
Bear said:
Yayyy boobies!!!!!! Since its a tradition at Prog Power at Cheetahs we should make it a tradition at Powerfest LOL


NP: Masterplan - Dark from the Dying
no dive bars,tell us where the hottest girls are,cover charge is no problem
;) I am so excited ... I want to go now !!! Thanx for the info on the spots around thats awsome ...Oh and Happy Valentines day to all !!!:Saint:
THis will be my first time going, and I am wondering if the HOB is far from where Powerfest will be. I am thinking about coming up a day early so I can see Satriani live. Thanks.
caex said:
THis will be my first time going, and I am wondering if the HOB is far from where Powerfest will be. I am thinking about coming up a day early so I can see Satriani live. Thanks.

Well, it's all relative :) HOB is in downtown Chicago just north of the Chicago River, the Powerfest venue is on the south side. Pretty far south, too. If the traffic gods are with you (which they won't be, the construction near Powerfest is horrendous) you could drive from P-fest to HOB in about 45 minutes. But you would have to drive, I think, there's no good direct public transportation route from one to the other.

metalprof said:
Well, it's all relative :) HOB is in downtown Chicago just north of the Chicago River, the Powerfest venue is on the south side. Pretty far south, too. If the traffic gods are with you (which they won't be, the construction near Powerfest is horrendous) you could drive from P-fest to HOB in about 45 minutes. But you would have to drive, I think, there's no good direct public transportation route from one to the other.


And if there was public transport it would take you through neighborhoods you wouldn't want to go through at night. Renting a car is the best(and safer)option.
metalprof said:
Well, it's all relative :) HOB is in downtown Chicago just north of the Chicago River, the Powerfest venue is on the south side. Pretty far south, too. If the traffic gods are with you (which they won't be, the construction near Powerfest is horrendous) you could drive from P-fest to HOB in about 45 minutes. But you would have to drive, I think, there's no good direct public transportation route from one to the other.


Ok, thanks for answering.