Forum Improvements

I am reassured by your answer Derbeder. I do think that if anyone offends in the particular way you are talking about that they should be given a chance, and warned. And I'm glad that you appreciate that too. I worry that I might ever have inadvertently been guilty of this. My posts are often forthright, but I don't think I have said anything this year that would be deserving of deletion. You don't mean anything I have said then?

I did not have you in mind when I was writing my post. We sharply disagree on certain matters of political importance, but I think you have not come off as much of a sensationalist when presenting your views as some other people here. Of course, no posts will be deleted because I or anyone else disagrees with its content. That would also make it impossible for anyone to properly challenge the views expressed in the post. Sweeping an idea under the carpet does not prove it wrong. Providing well-developed objections might.

The point of the board is debate, not to reach a resolution or a consensus. Even if one presents excellent reasons for the truth of a certain idea, one need not and should not expect other people here to accept that idea. I don't find it acceptable to call some people on this board intellectually inferior if they do not properly appreciate the (let's suppose, objectively valid) reasons for an idea. If good grounds for accepting a proposition are out in the open and people are not seeing them or they are just ignoring them, then tough luck. It is their problem. If we as posters on this board were to make decisions as a political body and were seeking an agreement on a certain matter that would be binding for all, then we may be entitled to expect something from others. But we are not a political body and can have no such legitimate expectations. Therefore, it is unnecessary and also non-courteous to call anyone names on this board, even if this was done with the good intention to raise their awareness. There are other and more useful ways to do so.

These remarks are specifically pointed at discussions of race, religion and ethics.
Certainly no one should resort to name-calling. I can't remember, but I might have said someone's argument was stupid at some point. That's not saying that they are - just the argument. Better to use a term like "illogical" or "unfounded" or "sentimental" etc - describing the argument.
Calling a spade a spade is part of being intellectually honest. And sometimes that means pointing out that certain people are morons and are unworthy of respect 'professionally' or personally. People who have earned the right to be treated with civility should be treated with civility. People who haven't can be hounded into suicide, for all I care. If we intimidate the stupid people enough that they don't even want to partcipate, so much the better.
@metalbooger and scourge of god:
have i not been explicit enough? this is exactly the sort of thing we can do without in here.

How hard is this to figure out? Why should ANYONE behave civilly toward someone who comes to the forum solely to disrupt discussion?
is it really so hard to criticize someone's posts for being immature, inarticulate, useless, weak, ridiculous and so on without calling them a retard, moron or fag?

about a month ago metalbooger and you had the same sort of exchange and asked for having the other banned. both of you guys have behaved in like manner. that is what disrupts discussion, not some remark either of you have found disagreeable in each other's posts. if you think he has made an immature or thoughtless remark, you can make that very clear to everyone here. but retorting back with "ban the fucker" initiates this pointless and childish back-and-forth.

consistency demands the same attitude towards both of you, given the present situation.
is it really so hard to criticize someone's posts for being immature, inarticulate, useless, weak, ridiculous and so on without calling them a retard, moron or fag?

about a month ago metalbooger and you had the same sort of exchange and asked for having the other banned. both of you guys have behaved in like manner. that is what disrupts discussion, not some remark either of you have found disagreeable in each other's posts. if you think he has made an immature or thoughtless remark, you can make that very clear to everyone here. but retorting back with "ban the fucker" initiates this pointless and childish back-and-forth.

consistency demands the same attitude towards both of you, given the present situation.

Delete them!!!
is it really so hard to criticize someone's posts for being immature, inarticulate, useless, weak, ridiculous and so on without calling them a retard, moron or fag?

about a month ago metalbooger and you had the same sort of exchange and asked for having the other banned. both of you guys have behaved in like manner. that is what disrupts discussion, not some remark either of you have found disagreeable in each other's posts. if you think he has made an immature or thoughtless remark, you can make that very clear to everyone here. but retorting back with "ban the fucker" initiates this pointless and childish back-and-forth.

consistency demands the same attitude towards both of you, given the present situation.

Bullshit. The rules that apply to contributors should be different than those for folks who do not contribute. I'm a regular, thoughtful contributor. I've earned the right to be rude to anyone I decide deserves rudeness. That this forum exists AT ALL is due in large measure to two years of lobbying for it on my part. I do not disrupt productive threads with off topic rants and unprovoked personal attacks. I merely respond to people who deserve it.

MetalBooger is not a contributor, and has not been a contributor. His posts are rarely, if ever, substantive, and his viewpoint is fundamentally anti-intellectual. His presence has been disruptive and unhelpful been tolerated is the single biggest stumbling block to attracting wider ranging and more productive discussion to this forum. That you continue to pretend that his behavior and mine are in some way equivalent is absolutely ludicrous, and highlights precisely the same flaws in your judgment that infoterror has already called attention to.
You do not have a right to be rude to anyone. No one else has such a right either.

I have found some of your posts more interesting and thought-out than metalbooger's but that is neither here nor there. I support none of the ideas in metalbooger's posts nor do I find anything that looks like an argument in them, but I cannot take any moderator action simply because of that. I can say why he is wrong, why his posts don't merit any response and so on, but that does not entitle me to delete his posts for these reasons. I do not believe he has been posting just in order to disrupt discussion, but I could be convinced if someone actually articulates why he thinks that. And to do so it will take more than saying that he has written stupid stuff.

In the case of infoterror I have not come across a single thought-out post and I have made it clear that I think his posts are devoid of any philosophical interest. In his case I have even more reason to think that he is here for empty sensationalism and internet cock-fights.

If the rude behavior continues despite the numerous warnings, I will take action against anyone who engages in it. I frankly hate giving warnings and reminding people of their manners in this way and hope I won't have to do this many times. I came here to talk philosophy with people outside of my immediate environment but so far I am rather disappointed. I really wish to discontinue this kind of conversation and start discussing philosophical issues.
Just delete idiot posts and maybe the message will get through? Make a limit of 3 deleted posts and ban on the 4th. Message understood. You can always "tell" somebody to do something, but giving them a reason not to do whatever it is you don't want them to do is more effective.
You do not have a right to be rude to anyone. No one else has such a right either.

Horseshit, I have the right to respond honestly to anyone. If someone is a fag or a moron, they're a fag or a moron, and there's no reason I shouldn't tell them so.

I have found some of your posts more interesting and thought-out than metalbooger's but that is neither here nor there.

Sure it is. It entitles me to a certain leeway that MetalBooger has never earned. Context matters, and all societies extend greater consideration to contributors than to freeloaders and disruptive elements. That's why we have a criminal justice system.

I support none of the ideas in metalbooger's posts nor do I find anything that looks like an argument in them, but I cannot take any moderator action simply because of that.

If you can't take moderator action over disruptive and consistently non-productive behavior, what can you take action over? Getting rid of the MetalBooger's of the world is precisely the reason we have moderators in the first place.

I do not believe he has been posting just in order to disrupt discussion, but I could be convinced if someone actually articulates why he thinks that.

Where the fuck have YOU been? At least two thirds of his posts in this forum have been flames injected into threads which he made no other contribution to. It's not like he just posts worthless points. He doesn't bother making a point at all. He just screams and stomps and ruins threads.

I came here to talk philosophy with people outside of my immediate environment but so far I am rather disappointed. I really wish to discontinue this kind of conversation and start discussing philosophical issues.

THEN GET RID OF THE ANTI-INTELLECTUAL NON-PHILOSOPHERS! This isn't rocket science, it's a simple problem with a simple solution.
Scourge, why do I have a feeling you're gonna "travel" to Metalbooger's place here soon?:p
Sure it is. It entitles me to a certain leeway that MetalBooger has never earned. Context matters, and all societies extend greater consideration to contributors than to freeloaders and disruptive elements. That's why we have a criminal justice system.

As both a contributor and disruptive element, how much leeway should you be given? Should you be allowed to dictate to the rest of the philosophy forum that someone doesn't belong here, and act in a childish manner towards that person / the forum, until you get your way? I don't think so.
Its not the gentleman's way to name call, and in order to improve this forum i suggest you try and be a kinder person in your responses. Particularly when you call people morons, its not nice and i dont think you understand how much of the world depends on the actions of less educated people.
As both a contributor and disruptive element, how much leeway should you be given? Should you be allowed to dictate to the rest of the philosophy forum that someone doesn't belong here, and act in a childish manner towards that person / the forum, until you get your way? I don't think so.

I'm not disruptive, which is the point. I give it to disruptors with all guns, but that isn't itself an act of disruption, any more than shooting rioters makes police rioters. I'm not dictating anything to anyone, I'm merely pointing out we've got an obvious problem with an obvious solution.