Forum Members Poster for ProgPower XIV

yesssssssssss amber a drink is in order i am with the dude in king diamond makeup and my best friend mario is in there too i am on the his left side if you are looking at it on the computer screen , plus i still use the bottle openers you gave me longgggggggggg ago beyond ear candy green ones and everyone i gave one to still uses them still :) look for me thurs i will be wearing a power of omens shirt i am staying at residence inn midtown historic lets partyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
Dude, awesome! Looking forward to seeing you too. :kickass:
The poster will be up in the venue Thursday night. When you enter and go up the inside stairs to the main concourse, look to the post on your right at the top.

The forum poster has a cameo in Circus Maximus's most recent YouTube video!

It's a really cool video from bassist, Glen Mollen - Circus Maximus recently asked fans on their facebook page to post questions for band members.
