Ultimate Metal Forum Member Poster

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Going to need some more participation if we're going to make it happen this year. Anyone else in?
I am going to some pictures of Myself, Eric and Daffodil next week when we are altogether, I will post them up here soon... Thanks for all you do Ann Marie!!

Maybe update the PPUSA page with this thread?

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bumping this up to remind folks to submit a photo for the poster.

if you're new and unsure what this is, AMBR makes an AWESOME photo poster that goes up on the wall of the venue, so you can see the folks with whom you communicate on the forum through the year.
it is really great if, like me, you forget names but not faces...you can just pop over to the poster, find the face, refresh your memory...

hope to see your faces and names on the poster!!!
Hi, I'd like to be on there again after missing out on last year's poster. :eek:
AMBR, if you could use my photo from before, that'd be greaat. :)

Also more than willing to help out with the costs; just let me know.
Did we come up with a way for everyone to chip in so that AMBR doesn't end up out of pocket?
I absolutely don't mind contributing cash towards a nice layout. Perhaps we can each get a copy if we raise enough money? Bill W mentioned on the first page that he could print on photo paper. Might it be possible to print multiple copies? I'm curious to see what the cost would be to have each poster packaged in a tube for safe keeping. Not trying to volunteer Bill's services of course, just wanted to see if we have more options. At the very least, could we obtain a digital copy of the final poster? That way we could each print a copy at our own costs. That might make it easier for everyone. \m/

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