Forum Name Tags

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Rick Pierpont said:
That's because you have style! I'll say fuck just as much as anyone, but I do agree that it sheds a bad light on PP. It basically feeds right into the stereotype that people have for metal heads.

Inside the Earthlink is one thing, but I think it would beyond crass to go wearing them around town. That's the kind of thing I'd expect to see at Ozzfest, not ProgPower. Its not about the kids and its not about the power of money, its about not acting like asses.

Whoa, whoa, whoa... now I know I'm not going to be standing at the door to Earthlink collecting them from everyone who walks out, but this is an inside joke, and I guess I just sort of assumed everyone would be wearing them inside Earthlink Live, and that's it.

I agree with Yippee to an extent... it could potentially look bad, and I think there's a whole "hey, these are some polite-ass metalheads" thing going on here, which is sort of cool. I think it's probably about 50/50 who would take them the wrong way and who wouldn't care.

Obviously, do what you want, but I think the joke will be lost outside of ELL, and even then, not everyone's going to "get it." I just can't resist personally and find it a hysterical way to actually use the idea of wearing name tags. Yippee, you're already hard to miss, so nyah! ;)

So, Shaye what is the deal with the nametags??? Is it a go or not??? And you are right if the nametags were worn outside CenterStage(ie, Earthlink Live) then no one would get it.

Just reviving an old thread to see what everyone's opinion of the name tags is now.
As long as I can find a way to print them out (and I can't see why I shouldn't be able to here at work), it's on. :D I still think it's funny, so... :)

I will provide details (where to get 'em, etc.) shortly before ProgPower. Hell, maybe I'll start printing some out now and see how they look.

Mine is going to look something like this:

lady_space said:
As long as I can find a way to print them out (and I can't see why I shouldn't be able to here at work), it's on. :D I still think it's funny, so... :)

I will provide details (where to get 'em, etc.) shortly before ProgPower. Hell, maybe I'll start printing some out now and see how they look.

If you need any help let me know, and i will see what i can come up with.:rock:
Maybe I'll just wear my Social Distortion shirt, which is the same as my avatar, again at this year's pre-party. It worked pretty well last year.:)
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