As an offshoot of the band's public forum, the same basic rules will apply here as apply on the main forum.
**Out of respect for Mike Romeo's dislike for bootlegs, discussions of SymX bootlegs won't be permitted here, & any such posts/threads will be deleted.
**Also out of respect for the band, no threads involving downloading mp3s (rather than buying the cd), pre-release downloads, or unauthorized video will be allowed (for the record, any video footage authorized by the band is on the website..any other video is unauthorized & thereby a taboo subject here). Those requesting and/or attempting to provide such material will be given a one week ban from Ultimate Metal; continued infractions will result in a permanent ban from the entire site.
**The band would prefer that only official/confirmed information regarding tours, cd releases, and other band matters be posted here. Information is considered confirmed if it comes from the band and only the band, & may be found posted on the website, the mailing list, or posted here by the band's staff. You're welcome to ask if info seen elsewhere is legit or has been confirmed, but posts consisting solely of such information meant as an announcement will be removed.
**Please check the band's FAQ (which can be found here) and search the existing threads here and on the main forum (at least those on the first few pages) for topics before starting a new thread, as there's a chance the topic/question you have in mind has already been discussed. Please don't start a new thread on a topic just to bring attention to yourself; such duplicate threads will be deleted rather than allowing them to multiply & clutter the board. Along the same lines, please do not post excessive threads; with too much clutter, the threads of widespread interest can be hard to find.
**By a majority vote, the main forum users decided that Vs. threads/polls (ie: <so and so> vs. <so and so>) are not something they want to have here, so any such threads will be deleted.; we're going to stick with that rule here too. Also, the "SymX against Dream Theater" theme and related topics (Petrucci vs. Romeo, etc.) have been debated to death, and any rivalry between the two bands exists only in the minds of the fans, so do us all a favor & don't initiate those types of threads either; your fellow forum members will love you for it.
**Just as we'd hope to see SymX be treated with respect elsewhere, so do we expect respect to be shown to other bands/musicians here (and especially any that may be involved in tours with Symphony X). In addition, please do not bring dirt from other bands forums into our forum; there's no need to drag their dirty laundry here, be it SymX related or not. And since we have minors here, as well as who knows who else peeking in now and then *cough*, please try to keep your conversations relatively the pervy chat for private messages or IMs.
**Bottom line: This is like the bands home on the internet; you are expected to show them some respect in their home. In posting here, show respect for the band, and for your fellow board members, & it's all good (in other words, play nice or play flaming or insults will be permitted here). The forum is run according to the band's wishes, so please remember that any requests made by the moderators regarding the operation of the forum and any rules therein are coming directly from the band, & respect them.
**You can learn how to set your avatar and signature in this thread, and test them out in this thread.**Per Ultimate Metal rules, please adjust your signature to fit these guidelines:
200 pixels high
500 pixels wide (if it includes a large image, otherwise long text will wrap)
No foul language please unless you use $%^ or whatever to edit it.
No offensive emblems such as swastikas, etc. or porn/adult related imagery (this goes for avatars as well please, thanks)
No verbal harassment of other members unless it is joking and the other person is cool with it.
For size reference:
If your sig is taller than that, it's too big. If your sig is wider than that, it's too big. If your sig is taller and wider than that, it's really too big. As far as text or multiple quoted posts used as sigs, also; added up, they are also way too big height-wise. Simply said, if your sig takes up more space in any direction than the graphic above (except for text only sigs, which due to word wrap are only limited by height), it's too big & needs to be edited; please do so yourself so we don't have to.
**Your Forum Moderators are Jax and J-Dubya 777; you can send a private message to either of us if you have any questions or concerns about this or the main SymX forums.
**Out of respect for Mike Romeo's dislike for bootlegs, discussions of SymX bootlegs won't be permitted here, & any such posts/threads will be deleted.
**Also out of respect for the band, no threads involving downloading mp3s (rather than buying the cd), pre-release downloads, or unauthorized video will be allowed (for the record, any video footage authorized by the band is on the website..any other video is unauthorized & thereby a taboo subject here). Those requesting and/or attempting to provide such material will be given a one week ban from Ultimate Metal; continued infractions will result in a permanent ban from the entire site.
**The band would prefer that only official/confirmed information regarding tours, cd releases, and other band matters be posted here. Information is considered confirmed if it comes from the band and only the band, & may be found posted on the website, the mailing list, or posted here by the band's staff. You're welcome to ask if info seen elsewhere is legit or has been confirmed, but posts consisting solely of such information meant as an announcement will be removed.
**Please check the band's FAQ (which can be found here) and search the existing threads here and on the main forum (at least those on the first few pages) for topics before starting a new thread, as there's a chance the topic/question you have in mind has already been discussed. Please don't start a new thread on a topic just to bring attention to yourself; such duplicate threads will be deleted rather than allowing them to multiply & clutter the board. Along the same lines, please do not post excessive threads; with too much clutter, the threads of widespread interest can be hard to find.
**By a majority vote, the main forum users decided that Vs. threads/polls (ie: <so and so> vs. <so and so>) are not something they want to have here, so any such threads will be deleted.; we're going to stick with that rule here too. Also, the "SymX against Dream Theater" theme and related topics (Petrucci vs. Romeo, etc.) have been debated to death, and any rivalry between the two bands exists only in the minds of the fans, so do us all a favor & don't initiate those types of threads either; your fellow forum members will love you for it.
**Just as we'd hope to see SymX be treated with respect elsewhere, so do we expect respect to be shown to other bands/musicians here (and especially any that may be involved in tours with Symphony X). In addition, please do not bring dirt from other bands forums into our forum; there's no need to drag their dirty laundry here, be it SymX related or not. And since we have minors here, as well as who knows who else peeking in now and then *cough*, please try to keep your conversations relatively the pervy chat for private messages or IMs.
**Bottom line: This is like the bands home on the internet; you are expected to show them some respect in their home. In posting here, show respect for the band, and for your fellow board members, & it's all good (in other words, play nice or play flaming or insults will be permitted here). The forum is run according to the band's wishes, so please remember that any requests made by the moderators regarding the operation of the forum and any rules therein are coming directly from the band, & respect them.
**You can learn how to set your avatar and signature in this thread, and test them out in this thread.**Per Ultimate Metal rules, please adjust your signature to fit these guidelines:
200 pixels high
500 pixels wide (if it includes a large image, otherwise long text will wrap)
No foul language please unless you use $%^ or whatever to edit it.
No offensive emblems such as swastikas, etc. or porn/adult related imagery (this goes for avatars as well please, thanks)
No verbal harassment of other members unless it is joking and the other person is cool with it.
For size reference:

If your sig is taller than that, it's too big. If your sig is wider than that, it's too big. If your sig is taller and wider than that, it's really too big. As far as text or multiple quoted posts used as sigs, also; added up, they are also way too big height-wise. Simply said, if your sig takes up more space in any direction than the graphic above (except for text only sigs, which due to word wrap are only limited by height), it's too big & needs to be edited; please do so yourself so we don't have to.
**Your Forum Moderators are Jax and J-Dubya 777; you can send a private message to either of us if you have any questions or concerns about this or the main SymX forums.