Forza Juve!!!

toolsofthetrade said:
:lol: thus spake the elite
go right ahead, you all show your best side now, well in ;)

you think im fucking stupid, "well in" get out of the fucking garden with your "well in" danny says that haha, ah youre some stupid kunt
siderea said:
there just was a docu on heizel on tele
i didn't know anything about it really. i think they banned it from belgian history books for a while.

last night, I watched a docu on Heyzel on BBC - some observations:

+ the mayor of Brussel was drunk and left the decision to go on with the game to a Belgian general
+ the born again Scouser, who was sentenced to 5 years for manslaughter (and got out after 9 months), said he and his mates wanted to attack block Z because they saw Italian men battering a boy from Liverpool
+ the gendarmes between the Liverpool fans and block Z were old and badly trained - the best ones were on leave because they made a lot of overtime during the pope's visit to Belgium a month before

I remember seeing it on tv when I was 10 or something and it was terrible to watch. Last night it was terrible still.

What would have happened when the game wasn't played?
it must've been the same docu.

what i remember was that ALL english football teams werent allowed in international competition anymore for 5 years. i didn't get that. there were italians there too. and why all?
also the fact that in 1985 players were listening to police & their trainers and didn't dare NOT to play (afraid to be kicked out), while now they are more individual stars.
I saw the documentary, unfortunately it's obvious it was a load of mindless idiots on each side going crazy at eachother, and unfortunately the scousers were seen as the bad guys, cos that's how the different fans were positioned in the stadium. Could have been the other way round. Lots of bad decisions, just terrible really all round and the game shouldn't have gone ahead after that.
:p it allows me to do some as well
and none could ve known what've happened if they didn't play. but i'm not sure things wouldve gone peacefully, if asked nicely/out of respect for the deads like that old man suggested.
dickheads the fans who decided to run at them in their masses. They should have got a massive police presence after that in order to let out the different sets of fans separately, however long it took, and to have not let the game go ahead, I reckon.
siderea said:
:p it allows me to do some as well
and none could ve known what've happened if they didn't play. but i'm not sure things wouldve gone peacefully, if asked nicely/out of respect for the deads like that old man suggested.

exactly, if I may continue my boring thoughts, I don't think there was enough police to guarantee a safe journey home for both Italian and English fans, without any confrontations in or outside the stadium - it's either play, or don't play and call in the army and tanks or whatever

also, it was interesting to see how nearly everybody who felt like the game should not go on, did not hold on to that opinion - they were all persuaded to play based on the negative consequences if they didn't