found this at another site

tom warrior said:

ive read many condolances from dimebags peers. why hasnt phil said anything yet? do you think the shooter may have read this? could phil be indirectly responsable? kids who listen to rap music shott people all the time. this whole situation is bullshit.---tom

Are you serious? Insinuating Phil was responsible?

Maybe Phil is just in a position where he cant get to the internet or make a statement yet.
To be honest, One of my first thoughts was that a SJR fan pissed at Pantera
like Phil went out and did something unbelievably evil (Like Phil always says)
maybe this loser was trying to get SJR's attention....

That being said let me just say that I personally don't believe that Phil or anyone in SJR wanted or is happy about this situtation....But read that link that was provided and I don't know what people will take out of it....But I think that Phil should think before he speaks....There's alot of stupid people out there with nothing to live for that feed on shit like that...

***R.I.P. Dimebag Darrell***

tom warrior said:

ive read many condolances from dimebags peers. why hasnt phil said anything yet? do you think the shooter may have read this? could phil be indirectly responsable? kids who listen to rap music shott people all the time. this whole situation is bullshit.---tom
I agree with Tman, Gale was a crazy fuck... a LONELY crazy fuck. People like can do outrageous thing to get attention, my two cents is that he made up his mind a while back and planned doing this at the show. Maybe he thought to much about the things Dime and Phil said about eachother... made it something personal.

Poor Phil is probably devastated.
Yeah I agree, Phil had nothing to do with this...Why would he? This is my speculation so don't take to much out of it because it is just my opinion. I believe Phil is probably at his house getting absolutely fucked up right now..There fight between each other was nothing more than shit to get more press for each others bands, ya know? Phil is probably fucking in a bad hole right now....This shit had to crush him and the powers of substance abuse has probably put him in a bad place. I really wouldn't blame him either...Those guys have spent so much of their lives together that they are like brothers and brothers fight you know? It just takes time to make things right with each other and unforunately Phil won't get that chance and I am sure it is eating him up inside. I just hope Phil doesn't overdo things(drugs) and makes it through this bullshit..
I drove to the Machine Shop in Flint last night because Damageplan was supposed to play there the next night. They basically had a vigil there and it was just such a surreal feeling in there. It was pretty touching because the place was just packed and all kinds of people there were just listening to Pantera and Damageplan and sharing their stories about how Pantera or Damageplan affected their lives. They even had people get on stage and play Pantera songs to the best of their abilities. No one can play exactly like Dime but it was a fitting tribute to someone who brought so much inspiration to so many people. I just hope Vinnie pulls through this shit. I feel so fucking sad for him. I cannot imagine having to witness your little brother get murdered right in front of you. I am best friends with my brother as I am sure Vinnie was also with Dime and I just cannot even begin to imagine the grief that he is feeling. I think I would fucking just turn into a shell of a person if something like that ever happened to my brother. My brother and I always looked up to Dime and Vinnie they were always our favorite members and we both started playing music because of our love for their music and always made the joke that we were the Dime and Vinnie combo( well my brother plays bass not guitar but you get what I mean). I just still can't even grasp this fucking bullshit.
The one thing that really scares me now is who is going to copycat this shit and where will it be? Shit like this always makes some other psyco go out and try and copy cat this shit because he is also a loser just like Gale....I am with you Old School, I want to find out were this fucking puke is buried so I can also piss on his grave. It's only about a 5 hour drive and I will be more than happy to do it.
Man metal and concerts in general will never be the same because of this fucking bullshit.
The13thCandle said:
I feel you cant be friends with someone for as long as Phil and Dime were and not be totally crushed by this. I dont care if you were pissed off at each other or not. I bet Phil is devistated.

EXACTLY. You dont think that after touring, especially in a band like pantera, that theres gonna be a brotherly bond there.

I mean I got freinds that I can talk some mad shit on them. At the end of the day we coud still go for a beer and shoot some pool, ya know?

I would imagine Phil is so choked up by it, the last thing he wants to think about is a comment on someone that was like family to him thats gone..

In the article stated there no motive for murder or anythign that could really be takign out of context. To me he was just venting about a family member.

I think the guy who shot Dime was just a crazy fool that had some issues.
This is a great post MHFYRD...:worship: as I said before, let me know I´ll try to join ya on your pissing mission.

MyHatredforYouRunsDeep said:
Yeah I agree, Phil had nothing to do with this...Why would he? This is my speculation so don't take to much out of it because it is just my opinion. I believe Phil is probably at his house getting absolutely fucked up right now..There fight between each other was nothing more than shit to get more press for each others bands, ya know? Phil is probably fucking in a bad hole right now....This shit had to crush him and the powers of substance abuse has probably put him in a bad place. I really wouldn't blame him either...Those guys have spent so much of their lives together that they are like brothers and brothers fight you know? It just takes time to make things right with each other and unforunately Phil won't get that chance and I am sure it is eating him up inside. I just hope Phil doesn't overdo things(drugs) and makes it through this bullshit..
I drove to the Machine Shop in Flint last night because Damageplan was supposed to play there the next night. They basically had a vigil there and it was just such a surreal feeling in there. It was pretty touching because the place was just packed and all kinds of people there were just listening to Pantera and Damageplan and sharing their stories about how Pantera or Damageplan affected their lives. They even had people get on stage and play Pantera songs to the best of their abilities. No one can play exactly like Dime but it was a fitting tribute to someone who brought so much inspiration to so many people. I just hope Vinnie pulls through this shit. I feel so fucking sad for him. I cannot imagine having to witness your little brother get murdered right in front of you. I am best friends with my brother as I am sure Vinnie was also with Dime and I just cannot even begin to imagine the grief that he is feeling. I think I would fucking just turn into a shell of a person if something like that ever happened to my brother. My brother and I always looked up to Dime and Vinnie they were always our favorite members and we both started playing music because of our love for their music and always made the joke that we were the Dime and Vinnie combo( well my brother plays bass not guitar but you get what I mean). I just still can't even grasp this fucking bullshit.
The one thing that really scares me now is who is going to copycat this shit and where will it be? Shit like this always makes some other psyco go out and try and copy cat this shit because he is also a loser just like Gale....I am with you Old School, I want to find out were this fucking puke is buried so I can also piss on his grave. It's only about a 5 hour drive and I will be more than happy to do it.
Man metal and concerts in general will never be the same because of this fucking bullshit.
johnnieCzech said:
This is a great post MHFYRD...:worship: as I said before, let me know I´ll try to join ya on your pissing mission.
Thanks!!! I am sure that they will not be burying him anywhere though, he will probably be cremated...Did anyone see Headbanger's this weekend? I think it was a pretty fitting tribute to Dime...Jeez I don't think this will sink in for awhile...I still just cannot believe this