Kommando lost a finger, no longer in Arghoslent

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Inchoate said:
I don't understand - if race doesn't exist, how does race enter into this statement as a determining factor of what segments of the population will understand you versus the segments that won't?

You don't understand because you are white. Race exists, there are somethings white people dont understand, like how similar black and white people really are, and there are somethings black people dont understand, like that tv show Friends, or getting ready to fuck a girl and being afraid the girl will think their dick is small.
How exactly does race exist?

Modern studies have shown that we are around 99.9% alike in genetic terms. This seems to mean that the remaining less than 0.1% shouldn't matter, and that race is only a social construct.

You yourself say blacks and whites are alike in the above post.

Why are you telling us that, because someone is white, they wouldn't understand something a black person says? How can there be different mentalities, if the differences are only skin deep? The analogies you are using are stupid, admittedly, but I don't see where you get off saying that race is real. That's how Nazis got started, and look what happened there!
BlackMetalTyrant said:
"And as I dreamed the lilies white, In the shade of BITCH"
Fuck you punk ass shitpushing smartass little whore, go catch aids

You want a piece of me blackieboy willis? I'll twist yo lips proper bowtie nutella man, you afroapes the ones givin me AIDS.
Hey do you want a piece of me Honkey? If my lips aren't proper then why are white bitches getting silicone shot in there lips so they can look bigger. My skin is a little lighter than nutella, it keeps me from getting sunburned. You can get aids from anywhere, you'll probably catch it right in your sphincter you fucking pillowbiter. I actually do have an afro. The only time Im an ape is when fucking your mom, she likes when I pull it out, come on her face, slap her and call her a bitch.
BlackMetalTyrant said:
Hey do you want a piece of me Honkey? If my lips aren't proper then why are white bitches getting silicone shot in there lips so they can look bigger. My skin is a little lighter than nutella, it keeps me from getting sunburned. You can get aids from anywhere, you'll probably catch it right in your sphincter you fucking pillowbiter. I actually do have an afro. The only time Im an ape is when fucking your mom, she likes when I pull it out, come on her face, slap her and call her a bitch.

despite you having clearly destroyed me verbally, i still win at the end of the day because, as mentioned on occasion before: you're black.
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Gallantry over Docility said:
certainly, I'd find it a lot more difficult beating my grandma than I would beating up a worthless coon
Good catch up, but seriously, I doubt you could beat anyone.
Gallantry over Docility said:
despite you having clearly destroyed me verbally, i still win at the end of the day because, as mentioned on occasion before: you're black.

You didn't know I am proud of being black, so I still win.
Gallantry over Docility said:
despite you having clearly destroyed me verbally, i still win at the end of the day because, as mentioned on occasion before: you're black.
Aren't racist views prohibited and don't they generate a perm ban?
you need to put your picture on the web first, then there's a button named Insert Image that you click, and then you put the web address of your picture.
Who has actually played broom the coon? Im pretty sure none of you, most of you just keep racist comments on the internet, where it is safe from "ass whoopins".
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