Arghoslent in studio

I certainly agree that the band is overrated, but they're still quite enjoyable for me to listen to, though I don't listen to them very often either.
Am I the only one that thinks that Galloping Through the Battle Ruins > Incorrigble Bigotry?

Most people discuss the latter; the former hardly gets talked about.
I find Arghoslent to be massively overrated. Sure, they stand out in comparison to most modern death metal (melodic death in particular), yet, too many of the riffs are far too 'bouncy' and 'joyous' for my likings - the opening riff in 'Flogging the Cargo' being a prime example. I'll check this album out, nonetheless.

Check out the bad-ass album cover on the their website

Looks like a release via Drakkar Production is gonna very soon now. Anticipation for it just exponentially increased.
I find Arghoslent to be massively overrated. Sure, they stand out in comparison to most modern death metal (melodic death in particular), yet, too many of the riffs are far too 'bouncy' and 'joyous' for my likings - the opening riff in 'Flogging the Cargo' being a prime example. I'll check this album out, nonetheless.​

You're right. Theyre a solid band, but the hype these guys receive is over the top. I agree the riffs are "joyous" (which I really don't mind) but like you said they're also far too randomly placed and fail to make any cohesive songs. It's like they're great at writing riffs but horrible at placing them in a way that works.

But I will check this out when it arrives.
Their lyrics is more or less historically based with some racism thrown in here and there (OK more than some but you get the picture). They are not the typical RAC/hatecore "FUCK my pals FUCK EM FUCK EM BLAHAHH!" can't really deny that. I think of Arghoslent's lyrics more as being written from the perspective of someone who was alive in those days (plus an obvious modern slant using slang, etc.).
I might be wrong, but when it comes to death metal bands I think that racism and war are much more mature subjects than the blood, guts and gore that so many bands choose to sing about. Do you really think a song like "The Purging Fires of War" is more juvenile than, say, "Hammer Smashed Face?"
Their lyrics is more or less historically based with some racism thrown in here and there (OK more than some but you get the picture). They are not the typical RAC/hatecore "FUCK my pals FUCK EM FUCK EM BLAHAHH!" can't really deny that. I think of Arghoslent's lyrics more as being written from the perspective of someone who was alive in those days (plus an obvious modern slant using slang, etc.).

Sure, and the fact that they drop flyers promoting racist activities and themes etc. It's just spewing hatred, either way you look at it. And while some of the lyrics might be based on history and come from that perspective, theyre still self professed racists, and that time in american history is one i think the vast vast majority of people here, let alone america frown upon without question. Trying to imply that it's somehow "ok" is just nonsensical.

now, that being said, they have the right to speak of whatever they want and express their views just like the next person. just because theyre biggots doesnt mean we cant enjoy their music.
You just said it wasn't okay and then said it was by not denying them the right to talk about it (nor allow it to hinder enjoyment of music, which is another story entirely). Unless you mean okay by defined moral standards, which I agree a lot of their actions probably are not on the good side of.