Hornets of the Pogrom

nothing is more metal than not dressing metal and just wearing plain clothing. :kickass:

Were these pictures taken in someone's living room?

The artwork is superb.

The music is excellent.

The lyrics are well written, but obviously, not to my liking.

I read the interview. Clearly, these guys aren't a bunch of mindless shit-kickers. That said, I'm still torn. Based on the quality of the music alone, this is something I would purchase. However, I really can't see contributing financially to this kind of message.

For those that shop The End Records, you know they have a brief description for most releases. Here's their description for Hornets of the Pogrom:

Third album from this Virginia band. Brutal riffs, history-based lyrics, actual melody and traditional heavy metal atmosphere within all the chaos. Arghoslent may touch on subjects that are controversial and entirely disagreeable to some listeners. They have a right to express their views, and you have a right not to buy it.

surprising they carry arghoslent, considering they wont even carry nokturnal mortum, a band that was once a flagship band for them