Four fold plan to save Maiden's sad career.

John Silver said:
So I don't like the new album.. this means I am not allowed to talk Maiden and should leave?

Wow dimbulb, that's amazing. How did you escape from your pasture?

If your other 203 posts and your threads have been this unreasonable and unrealistic (and I have a good idea they are), then yes, I think for the sake of the world's average IQ, you should stop talking (at least about Iron Maiden).

You don't just dislike the new album. This thread suggests you just don't like present Iron Maiden and if that's the case, why do you care so much? When Blaze was in Maiden and Adrian was out, I stopped caring cause I didn't like it. I looked for things I DID like. There's other bands out there making great albums. My suggestion (and I know you don't care) is you focus on what you like, and leave alone what you can't change, cause coming here and reading thread after thread of you bitching/being a cynical asshole is a headache. I'm done arguing, though I'm sure you have a snappy retort since it seems you just like to sit here and bitch and do your damndest to win net arguments. Have a blast man.
My suggestions are unreasonable, but the chances of Maiden putting out good songs in their present condition is just about unimaginable. I don't dislike current Maiden totally. I thought Bnw was a reasonably alright album. Blood Brothers atleast has made it into my top five.

Why go looking in places you know you can expect people to be cynical about Maiden? This is not the official maiden sheep forum.

When Blaze was in Maiden and Adrian was out, I stopped caring cause I didn't like it. I looked for things I DID like.

Don't tell me you never expressed your feelings about Blaze.
They must be cursing and wondering why the world at large is to blind to see Maiden's greatness. I sympathize with the noobs. It's tough being the intelligent non-conformist.
John Silver said:
the chances of Maiden putting out good songs in their present condition is just about unimaginable.

Blood Brothers atleast has made it into my top five.

Don't tell me you never expressed your feelings about Blaze.

How much shite can one person talk? You say first that Maiden cant put out a good song in their present state, then say Blood Brothers is in your top 5 songs! Did you not know that BB was made by the same line-up as DoD? :guh:

And I'm sure when Blaze was in the band people just stopped going to forums and buying records - that's what I did anyway. If you dont like Maiden nowadays why don't you just stop listening to their newer records, don't post at the forums, stop whining about how the official forum is full of sheep who actually like DoD (liking DoD makes people sheep apparently) and shut the fuck up about Duran Duran.
Do you realise your opinion carries no weight? How can a Duran Duran fanboy honestly tell people how good a Maiden album is? :lol:

BTW If DoD is SOO shit why have you got Montsegur's chorus as a sig? Do you think people will laugh at your wit? Do you really think anyone will realise you're attempting to be sarcastic, or will they just think you love the song?
TakinTheMusicBack said:
How much shite can one person talk? You say first that Maiden cant put out a good song in their present state, then say Blood Brothers is in your top 5 songs! Did you not know that BB was made by the same line-up as DoD? :guh:

And I'm sure when Blaze was in the band people just stopped going to forums and buying records - that's what I did anyway. If you dont like Maiden nowadays why don't you just stop listening to their newer records, don't post at the forums, stop whining about how the official forum is full of sheep who actually like DoD (liking DoD makes people sheep apparently) and shut the fuck up about Duran Duran.
Do you realise your opinion carries no weight? How can a Duran Duran fanboy honestly tell people how good a Maiden album is? :lol:

BTW If DoD is SOO shit why have you got Montsegur's chorus as a sig? Do you think people will laugh at your wit? Do you really think anyone will realise you're attempting to be sarcastic, or will they just think you love the song?
Saying Maiden are mostly crap now doesn't mean every single song has to suck, moron.

The Maiden forum was full of Blaze and Janick bashers, so stop being so sure when you weren't even a regular there, idiot.

What do I care if people think what they will about my sig? Most people here already know how I feel about it, moron.

You're not worth replying to.
John Silver said:
Saying Maiden are mostly crap now doesn't mean every single song has to suck, moron.

The Maiden forum was full of Blaze and Janick bashers, so stop being so sure when you weren't even a regular there, idiot.

What do I care if people think what they will about my sig? Most people here already know how I feel about it, moron.

You're not worth replying to.

No, you said the chance of Maiden putting out a good song is unimaginable - that's not the same as saying they're "mostly crap", FAR from it, moron.

If I'm not worth replying to, why did you bother, moron? :lol:

No wonder you got banned from the Maiden board, when you keep calling people morons - it's SOOO offensive. Moron. :guh:
TakinTheMusicBack said:
No, you said the chance of Maiden putting out a good song is unimaginable - that's not the same as saying they're "mostly crap", FAR from it, moron.

I said this mainly about Dod. BB is from the previous album. I got banned because I didn't feel the need to kiss the mod's ass.
They need to USE the studio and replace all the takes where Bruce's voice sounds so strained. I have to imagine they realise when Bruce sounds like an old man yelling through his toothless gums. Now that they are going to cool down on the touring, they need to take their time and use only quality takes.

Kill the repitition, I think fans have been complaining about this since The X Factor.

Dave ,Adrian and Janick need to come up with more thought out solos and the songs themselves need to be written without trying to fill a 3 solo quota.

Steve needs to quit using old Maiden songs for the basis of new Maiden songs and kill the damn bass intro he uses on 40% of their songs....get some creativity going.

...gee, and I like DoD.