Fox news and 24 (video included from my own living room)


May 31, 2002
Arlington, Virginia
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I'm sure no one rememberes, that in one of my 24 blogs, I mentioned
how FOX news did the split screen 24 style, and how wrong that was...
this about it... a news network that uses a "gimic" to bring the news to you...
that is really the lowest, IMO.
Recently, good ol' Comcast replaced my DVR box to a new one, and I have lost this recording, so I had to capture this on video, just for you!

Watch the split screen... the topic was the kidnapped woman in Iraq...

(you can watch it from this link and it'd be easier and faster)
Wow, thats pretty bad. But also cute, in a 'lets draw as much attention as we can so that we can feed your mind with our lies' kinda way. :p . Still though, thats a new low for them. And thats pretty low.
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since when do news networks NOT use gimicks? I don't see why fox news needs to be singled out?
FretsAflame said:
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since when do news networks NOT use gimicks? I don't see why fox news needs to be singled out?

Yeah, it's true.

News is all about sensationalism, it's dumb.
FretsAflame said:
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since when do news networks NOT use gimicks? I don't see why fox news needs to be singled out?

Thats a good point, but its kinda hard not to single Fox out, when its so blatently right there.
NinjaKitten said:
Thats a good point, but its kinda hard not to single Fox out, when its so blatently right there.

It's blatantly on every news channel. Hell, even my local news splits screens and throws flashy graphics all over the place. Oh and let's not forget this;

Up next, is there a deadly danger in YOUR living room? What you don't know could kill your kids, tonight at 10!
FretsAflame said:
It's blatantly on every news channel. Hell, even my local news splits screens and throws flashy graphics all over the place. Oh and let's not forget this;

Up next, is there a deadly danger in YOUR living room? What you don't know could kill your kids, tonight at 10!

FUCK YES! Man, the news here used to be *decent* but over the last few years, they've introduced idiotic sections called the pulse, where they layer average-joe morality onto every story in the most one dimensional way.

Furthermore, the sensationalise everything, exactly like Steve said. Mostly recently it was Bird Flu, they initiated 24hr coverage and set up phone lines giving out advice for folks, when it was still more statistically likely that mass alien abductions would occur than bird flu becoming a pandemic.

The utter hypocrisy of the media makes me want to puke.

As far as I'm concerned the BBC stays relatively unbias, and thats the only news source I use.
FretsAflame said:
It's blatantly on every news channel. Hell, even my local news splits screens and throws flashy graphics all over the place. Oh and let's not forget this;

Up next, is there a deadly danger in YOUR living room? What you don't know could kill your kids, tonight at 10!

hahahaha you just quoted a renedition of every single news commertial ever. Point taken.
derek said:
FUCK YES! Man, the news here used to be *decent* but over the last few years, they've introduced idiotic sections called the pulse, where they layer average-joe morality onto every story in the most one dimensional way.

Furthermore, the sensationalise everything, exactly like Steve said. Mostly recently it was Bird Flu, they initiated 24hr coverage and set up phone lines giving out advice for folks, when it was still more statistically likely that mass alien abductions would occur than bird flu becoming a pandemic.

The utter hypocrisy of the media makes me want to puke.

As far as I'm concerned the BBC stays relatively unbias, and thats the only news source I use.

I watch msnbc bbc and fox typically. Msnbc is a little cbs-ish for me sometimes though, but I enjoy Scarborough :lol: Keith Olbermann can suck a dick though.

And fuck CNN.
NinjaKitten said:
hahahaha you just quoted a renedition of every single news commertial ever. Point taken.

:lol: That shit is infuriating beyond belief. To top it all off, they always stick it at the very end of their newscast so you have to watch their whole shitty coverage to get to it, and it's always something retarded.
derek said:
Change the channel, then. Read a newspaper. TV's can, suprisingly, be switched off.

I hardly watch T.V. except for the news, and I've only watched the nightly news all the way through maybe twice in my life.
FretsAflame said:
I hardly watch T.V. except for the news, and I've only watched the nightly news all the way through maybe twice in my life.

You are such a main-stream media rebel steve, take me! take me now! :p