Boring pictures from an awesome vacation

Israel looks awesome, the water is so inviting! All the food looks really tasty, the beer looks very refreshing, the guy next to the guy with the green and gray striped shirt looks a bit like Fred, and Karen you look stunning as always :)

My favorite:

I was too busy tripping out on all the crazy lines and angles in this pic to notice the cat at first. Great shot!
Great photos, Karen!
It looks like you had tons of fun..and salad
*is currently making one*
Dead Lioness said:

HAHA! I know what you mean :D
BUT these are some amazing pictures, to me the best pics in general are the ones with the least pretencious posing. I only don't know why you had to mention the salad obsession when it's obvious that there's beer and wine obsession there... addiction. *cough* to drive the attention away, nyah. :heh:
very nice :cool:
^ Tee, that picture above is actually me being silly and running towards Anabella and jumping, I wanted her to catch the jump, but she missed, so instead I just stood the way I landed.
It looks mighty silly and I love silly pictures :cool:
but thanks anyways :)

and thanks everyone as well. Indeed it was just a splendid vacation
and I miss my dear friends and family already :cry:
Shpongled said:
Israel looks awesome, the water is so inviting! All the food looks really tasty, the beer looks very refreshing, the guy next to the guy with the green and gray striped shirt looks a bit like Fred, and Karen you look stunning as always :)

My favorite:

I was too busy tripping out on all the crazy lines and angles in this pic to notice the cat at first. Great shot!

I love this one too, and thank you kev kev :blush:
Souls of Black said:
Those pic's are great Karen! Looks like you had a very good time. I really like that name Tzili, how is it pronounced? Zee'lee?

That spice market made me frikin drool.....

Btw, you have some smoking hot friends.:notworthy

Its pronounced: TZee'Lee and it means happiness (its the short version)
and yeah I agree with you, I do have good looking friends and I love them all :)