Framus Cobra / Engl Powerball: FX Send while in Standby?


Aug 9, 2006
Hessen, Germany
I have a band coming over with these two amps. I don't have my cab over here atm and I don't want to get it right now cause it would be quite a hassle and I have some kinda urgent drumediting to do.

Can somebody please confirm if the FX Send works while in standby so I can record direct without having a cab/load attached? I know that it works on most amps, but not all of them.

Thank you very much!!!
Was exactly as you told me, Engl FX out worked while in standby, Framus did not. Anyway, recording went great. Will post some clips next week. With Lasses comments in here im really curious to see if we'll keep the Powerball and how it will sound in he final mix.