Framus Cobra recording : Dyscord ( perth wa )

The guitars sound pretty good, I love Framus amps. The drums need some compression and (nice) reverb to make them sound a bit more live. The vocals are too dry and up front.

I think this song would feel more coherent though if the drums weren't so dry and digital sounding. Don't forget to randomize your velocities. :headbang:
Seizure. said:
well you got the "shrrrrroommmmpphhhh" down:cool:
howdya mic it?

no nordstrom technique here , just 2 Sm57s to 2 separate cones

2 takes X 2 mics = 4 rhythms tracks - panned 80% and 100%

what kind of compression and reverb would u recommend ? Kazrog ??

thanks for the comments everyone , keep them coming as i still have a little time to save the mixes !!:D
A Toolish Circle said:
recently i have been producing dyscord 's ep , and we're doing the final mix down and masters soon

let me know what u guys think :

Would it be possible to provide a clip with a lot of chugga plam muting in it?
The Nu Metal like 'dooooooooooooit' really fucking boils my blood :D

But it does sound good though. I don't have a prob with the drums or anything.
sounds cool man emg's?

kick could be a bit clearer, snare needs more compression and verb. whole kit could use a bit more polish. Guitars have a nice chuig to them though.
Jamesboyd : EMGs 81s indeed

Full Signal chain :

ESP LTD Baritone -> NS 2 noise supressor - > Framus -> 2 SM 57s -> Presonus Bluetube -> Tascam FW 1804

no tube screamer , in fact the amp sounded better without the tube screamer as i also had a 5150 2 to record which i did use the tubescreamer for .

Bass :
heavy parts : ESP bass with EMG HZs into Sansamp RBi rackmount with high gain settings

Chorus parts : Warwick 6 string thumb bass DI -> Presonus Bluemax compressor

rough settings

Crunch channel:
Gain : 6
Bass :5
Mids : 7
Treble : 4

presense : 3
Deep : 8 <---most important knob on that amp
Channel vol : 5 - 6

Master vol : 7

Cheers again for the comments guys , i'll soon be posting a sample of all 6 songs i did with them and a full rundown of the equipment list / schedule and techniques once i finish mastering the songs with them next week .
