Apr 9, 2004
hey guys i'm recording a metalcore band pretty soon and i've sussed out the 5150 setting for em , they're planning to loan a Mesa dual rectifier and Framus cobra for recording as well

anyone have some good distortion settings for them ( w and without the tubescreamer ) ? i looked thru about 40 pages of this forum and couldn't find that many...or andy's setting. just managed to find the 5150's

and the Framus too ! these guys love the KSE tone on End of heartbreak ! so yea.

Regards and thanks in advance
I have a '94 Dual Recto ("Blackface") that I run into a Mesa Recto (Traditional Sized, Straight) 4X12 Cab. I also use EMG 81 equipped guitars.

The settings I use on the Recto vary by room and situation, but here's some ballpark figures that will give you an idea of the starting points, then some tweaking to accomodate the room would go from there:

Modern (Red) Mode
Bold Setting
Silicone Diodes

Treble - 11 o'clock
Mids - 9 to 10 o'clock
Bass - 11 o'clock
Presence - 11 o'clock
Gain - 12 to 1 o'clock
Volume - 10 to 11 o'clock

These are just approximates, and they'll vary like I said. I'm sure most of my knobs aren't exactly "on the hour," but that will give you an idea of the general area that they're in. I don't use the effects loop, only a few pedals in front of the amp. So, my effects loop is bypassed and only only the channel volumes are active.
could you please be so kind and re-post those 5150 settings?

can't help you with the recto settings, though, as i don't own one - unfortunately :(
Here they are (plus the TS-settings)

Lead channel
Pre 11 oclock
Low 1 oclock ish
Mid 9 oclock ish
High 11.30ish
Post 9.30, 10 oclock
Res 2 oclock
Pres 3 o clock

Tube screamer
Drive 9 oclock
Tone 11 oclock
Level 12 o clock
thanks a lot!
are those settings for a specific album or just some other good sounding settings?

those 5150 amps seem to record very well. lately i've been way into their tones. they are always said to sound chainsaw like, buzzy, undefined, muddy...basically anything you don't want. but the records always kick ass...the haunted, arch enemy, in flames, kreator, kataklysm...outstanding. i think i'm GAS-ing for one pretty bad right now :D
i dont know if this is a stupid question but i made a small search about the TS since i ve never used it before and i found different models like TS9 TS10
TS808 and so on....
which one are ou talking about :err:
