My Best Work yet : Mesa Dual + 5150 2 !!

DSS3 said:
Man, those guitars sound amazing! Details on cab/mic's? Jesus... Good work!

cheers ! but is it too soft in the mix like wishtheend said ? i need to know from the rest of u guys if the guitars should be higher in the mix.

OK : here are the details for the guitar chain !

Jackson Soloist with Seymour duncans

Zakk wylde overdrive pedal -
Gain 9oclock
Tone 11 o'clock
Output 12 o'clock

Mesa Dual Rectifier
bold | silicon diodes
Red channel
Gain - 1 o'clock
Bass - 11 o'clock
Mids - 10 o'clock
Treble -12 o'clock
Presense - 12 o'oclock

5150 2
Lead channel
Bass - 1 o 'clock
Mids - 11 o' clock
Treble - 11 o' clock
Reso - 3 o'clock
presense -1 o'clock

Cab : Marshall Vintage 1960
Mics : audix i5 and SM 57 on one cone each
on axis - directly pointing at the cone about half a thumb tip away

Mix processing :
Eq :
-1 db at 130, 160 ,200 , 240 hz
filter off at 60hz and below

compression :
2:1 ratio , threshold - 3.3
attack : 5ms
release : 150ms

Thanks for the feedback guys ! and i'll like to know if u guys can recommend anymore changes

Hey man,

I'd say first up, I'm glad you're happy with the sound.

But as you asked, here are the criticisms:

The hi-hat. I'm not sure what you can do about it, but IMO it's destroying the entire mix. It sounds almost like one of those hats people trigger in fruity loops with no velocity variance. I understand it's an acoustic kit, but the sound of that hat really doesn't fit with the mix. I'd be really inclined to bring it down if you can.

The cymbals overall I believe are too loud. They take presence over the top of the guitars, especially during the busier parts. The guitars lose tons of power because everything else is over the top of them. I'd be inclined to bring the guitars up and possibly make them more present.

Also I think the cymbals may be killing the attack from your drums. It's hard to hear the kick in that desired 'hardcore' fashion when there's just a wash of high-end over the entire mix.

Anyhow, that's just some of my opinions.

Overall very good stuff man.