Framus Diablo (Blackouts) in A# > 5150 > Egnater Tourmaster cab > NO EQ (video!)

Max Morton

Sep 21, 2008
UA, Kyiv

I did a new video, this time testing a mahogany body and neck Framus Diablo Progressive, loaded with SD Blackouts. Great guitar, btw! Another cool thing is my new Egnater Tourmaster 4x12 cab. I'm totally digging it! You can hear it mic'd up with two sm57's without any eq except for the hipass filter.

Eager to hear your opinions on the tones and tunes!:)

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powerful tone man!
I think that sometimes too harmony guitars are confusing to my ears but is still a good tune :kickass:
Thank you! Well nothing super-specific, one mic dead center and quite low in the mix, just for extra clarity and definition. another one angled like 30-35 degrees, pointing at the cap, too (not at the cone).
It always differs. A different cab, a different amp and even a different guitar may require different placing. So I always try to do the job from the scratch.
Sounds really good but kind of honky, like there's a wah in the signal cocked in one position. You could also really clean/tighten things up by picking hard and downpicking whenever possible; that first As I lay Dying style riff could've been 100% downpicked aside from the gallops.
Hell yeah! I'm on Framus page:)

JeffTD: Thanks man, I appreciate your advice! However, I disagree regarding the picking force (mine is quite strong) and all downstrokes (it would sound dead and a bit clumsy, I'm a downstroker, but not in this musical fragment). Speaking of that honkiness, I believe you mean the "pre-distortion' honk, right? That's what I heard coming from this guitar, it has some sort of strong midrange peak that gives almost unnatural definition to the notes. And being honest, I love it and don't find it criminal at all.