France goes to far... Freedom of speech dead.

Ha! I never knew those fuckin frogs had any respect for free speech anyway!

I love the irony of those Napoleon-worshipping "le Guillotine" inventers passing a stupid law to stop teen violence on the web!

They can't stop Arab teens from burning cars every night* but they CAN try to stop bored teens on dope from hitting each other over the heads with household appliance and filming it!

As Kevin Klein said in "A Fish Called Wanda:" ASSHOOOOOOOLES!

*(still going on even though its not reported by the easily distracted media)

id expect that kind of bullshit from some stupid ass city council full of tree huggers.

They sure have their priorities straight don't they ? :rolleyes:
There has been an attempt to outlaw freedom of speech right here in the United States with the Local Law Enforcement Enhancement Act of 2001 ETC…the fight for a passage of this kind of bill is far from over. Basically what the Federal government is trying to do is intrude into local matters, something that is unconstitutional just so they can prevent ‘hate crimes’ and politically incorrect speech! However, it is lobbyist outside of Congress that you have to watch out for.
wow not surprising news, considering who's in control over there. No its not a bunch of tree huggers, but rather right wing dumbass Sarkozy. In case you didn't know, its bcs of him that those "thugs" started the fires in France. He showed no respect to any of the kids who tried to approach him and talk with him, but simply called society rejects, which sparked even more violence throughout france. He's one of the worst to be in office, and what sux is that many people might elect him president, which will really suck for France. This action was simply a way for him to get back at those kids. He has no skills whatsoever, all he can do is fuck ups.
Anyway, yeah it does suck for the "freedom" we have, but we still got room for a lot more.