Freedom of Speech dies in Europe as the Zionist machine gains greater control.

Yeah, how dare he actually speak his mind freely, way back 17 years ago, how dare he cast even a shadow of doubt upon the Spielberg & Co version of events? What a heinous criminal, at least the Austrians can sleep safely in their beds now, knowing this dangerous academic is behind bars.
And what about the rag-heads STILL protesting about those cartoons? Oh, they're OK, wouldn't want to nick any of them for speaking their minds though...... CUNTS!!!
Final_Product said:
Saying free speech has died is taking to too far.

Although this case is a pile of BS.

If they can do this they can do more...

jks_III said:
Mommy I don't want to kill him, he's my friend. Shut up and kill, kill, kill for mommy. Oh and be a good boy and take off my dress before you do it.

Oblivious Maximus said:
You have got to be kidding me! Why can this happen to Noam Chomsky!

I always love it when one's ideology forces pretzel logic....

Noam Chomsky has actually SUPPORTED THE RIGHT TO DENY THE HOLOCAUST IN THE PAST, and has been accused of being anti-jewish as a result.

Most European states have laws against Holocaust denial. It's an overaction to combating neo-nazis and other stupid right-wing loons.

On the other hand, this also makes Europe seems hypocritical in the scandal about the Islamic cartoons.......
If people can really be sentenced for saying Holocaust didn't exist...they might as well be sentenced for saying that Vietnam war or French Revolution didn't exist.
johnnieCzech said:
If people can really be sentenced for saying Holocaust didn't exist...they might as well be sentenced for saying that Vietnam war or French Revolution didn't exist.

Hah! That shit didn't exist! All the hippies were trippin out on LSD and, like, imagined those anti-war songs. Now'a days, those burnt out hippies are stumbling around actually believing they were in the jungles huntin down Charlie. What da fuck, man?

As for that cocaine fantasy called La Revolution, I'm afraid that's bullshit too. Le Guillotin was just a French adjective describing a "cool breeze on the back of the neck." Nothing more, dude.

I ought to deny all holocausts; I mean, I heard all about that shit in public school, so it must be wrong!

Its not free speech. Its the exact same "law" as yelling fire in a theater, or saying you have a bomb in your suitcase at an airport. He broke Austrian law. What do you expect to happen

HE broke the law by expressing his point of view--some of which was based up by historical facts that he researched and discovered? But then again he was in a nation that doesnt support freedom of speech I guess
sgt_d_rulez said:
Its not free speech. He broke Austrian law. What do you expect to happen

Precisely. And that's why Irving's in deep shit. He should've kept his ass away from places that would prosecute him for opening his mouth.

I didn't follow this case closely, so I don't know if he actually said something while in Austria, or if its just because his book does all the holocaust denying bullshit, and that was reason enough to scoop him up once his plane landed. Some countries are like that.

I read into this guy's past and he was a trouble maker for many years.

And BTW- regardless of how much you guys may hate the jews and villify them, they are certainly NOT as bad as they are made out to be and certainly a lot easier for us to deal with and rely on against the Muslims. Perhaps our only allies in this war against them. For Christ sakes, even the Europeans are buckling down to them and negotiating with the terrorists.

Israel will be our only friends in the war with Iran and the rest of the middle east.
He isn't a "trouble maker", all he has done is to raise a few awkward points that certain interested parties would rather weren't raised (it might affect their bank accounts).
He is in jail now for something he said, an opinion he expressed 17 YEARS ago. Though "Holocaust denial" is a crime in Austria, David Irving only questioned the existence of gas chambers at Auschwitz, which in the hysterical eyes of the media means that he totally denied that anyone, Jews or otherwise, were mistreated. Not quite the same thing really, is it?

Since you are being a little boffin, Sknight, read up on David Irving's work, not what other people say about him. If you have an enquiring mind, and don't swallow every single piece of information you are fed by the powers-that-be, you might just question some of the "truths" about the Second World War. Read the evidence, for and against, the gas chamber debate, not the anecdotes of alleged witnesses, then make your own mind up. If you were in court, which would you be most convinced by - witnesses or forensic evidence?
I've read a fair bit of this revisionist stuff, and I'm not totally convinced by it, but then again it has led me to question the "6 million Jews gassed" statement. The truth is somewhere in between, both sides make fucking ridiculous claims. Of course, even saying that you think the official line isn't quite 100% fact in Austria, would have you sharing a cell with Irving for the next 3 years. Ridiculous!!

Question what people tell you are FACTS, when other learned people tell you they are bullshit, and you will be OK in life. Just don't say it out loud that some figures don't add up, or that the physical evidence isn't borne out by the terrible stories, because that will make you a "trouble maker"
I never made mention that I believe everything forcefed to me, sorry to tell you. By your own account, he broke Austrian law willfully and that's being a troublemaker. Whatever the case is, right or wrong, that's the law. I would also like to hear about all the other races that were gassed by the nazis, but unfortunately, someone is making WWII about one people only.

And I also firmly believe there was an in between number somewhere in there for WWII, but it doesn't rule my life, so get over it and stop thinking about it every day of your life.
TheAssMaster said:
He isn't a "trouble maker", all he has done is to raise a few awkward points that certain interested parties would rather weren't raised (it might affect their bank accounts).
He is in jail now for something he said, an opinion he expressed 17 YEARS ago. Though "Holocaust denial" is a crime in Austria, David Irving only questioned the existence of gas chambers at Auschwitz, which in the hysterical eyes of the media means that he totally denied that anyone, Jews or otherwise, were mistreated. Not quite the same thing really, is it?

Since you are being a little boffin, Sknight, read up on David Irving's work, not what other people say about him. If you have an enquiring mind, and don't swallow every single piece of information you are fed by the powers-that-be, you might just question some of the "truths" about the Second World War. Read the evidence, for and against, the gas chamber debate, not the anecdotes of alleged witnesses, then make your own mind up. If you were in court, which would you be most convinced by - witnesses or forensic evidence?
I've read a fair bit of this revisionist stuff, and I'm not totally convinced by it, but then again it has led me to question the "6 million Jews gassed" statement. The truth is somewhere in between, both sides make fucking ridiculous claims. Of course, even saying that you think the official line isn't quite 100% fact in Austria, would have you sharing a cell with Irving for the next 3 years. Ridiculous!!

Question what people tell you are FACTS, when other learned people tell you they are bullshit, and you will be OK in life. Just don't say it out loud that some figures don't add up, or that the physical evidence isn't borne out by the terrible stories, because that will make you a "trouble maker"

Hey a quasi- Holocaust denier!!! Excellent. (Not Turkish are you by chance?)

First of all, most holocaust deniers proceed by chipping away at the "facts." They would sound too nutty if they made vast, totalizing statements.

For example, no where is it claimed that 6 millions jews were gassed. No where in any respectable history. 6 million is an rough number of how many jews died throughout all of Europe. And let us not forgot millions of other slavs, gypies, communist, etc.

Gas was only one way people were killed. Fascists and Neo-nazi holocaust deniers like to debate this issue as a way of confusing reality

And what's wrong with eye-witnesses? I'll be sure to tell my grandmother who had to hide in the mountains from Nazis that, no one came to her village and excuted people and dumped them in mass graves because you read a book

And Trust me, I've read more about WWII then you will ever have, and I can say people like Irving are so far on the fringe that no one takes him seriously...

That said, putting him in jail is stupid.
sknight said:
I read into this guy's past and he was a trouble maker for many years.

And BTW- regardless of how much you guys may hate the jews and villify them, they are certainly NOT as bad as they are made out to be and certainly a lot easier for us to deal with and rely on against the Muslims. Perhaps our only allies in this war against them. For Christ sakes, even the Europeans are buckling down to them and negotiating with the terrorists.

Israel will be our only friends in the war with Iran and the rest of the middle east.

Israel is a friend of convenience, and if it wasnt for the US they would have been a part of Egypt along time ago.

They would be on our side with any conflict in the middle east because the US is a deterence, we deter every arab country from invading.

The only good thing that Israel does for the US is buy our military hardware.
sknight said:
I never made mention that I believe everything forcefed to me, sorry to tell you. but it doesn't rule my life, so get over it and stop thinking about it every day of your life.

Whoa whoa, misidentification, there. That nigga ASSMASTER is the one you'll wanna be pointing your Kirpan at, not me. More than one'a us colors our posts urine yellow.

On the point of numbers, questioning WWII "facts" and the like, I'm still searching for a guy named Bill Steers who used to be a on a WWII discussion forum, but was thrown off. He insisted he was a British soldier stationed at Bergen-Belsen, and challenged all books that say 100,000 Jews were found there dead. By his account, the place was a nightmare of rotting corpses, but nowhere near even 10,000. For that, he was finally catapulted.

Numbers for some reason add to the drama of tragedy.

Its better to say that Lord Predaqueen had sex with gay prostitutes 100,000 times than, say, more accurately, 1,400 times.

I use the term "credible" lightly here because anything other than full and automatic acceptance is not credible, but where is there a resource that displays what evidence was used to arrive at the numbers of dead and imprisoned during WWII?