I love how Europe is finally realizingf what scum these Muslims really are..

Haha. I was just thinking what would happen if a paper came out tomorrow with a cartoon of Mahummad taking a cock in the arse. What would the reaction be. Haha.
We're one step closer to conflict. The day the muslims start carrying out suicide bombings on european soil, it's on.
Like they did on 7/7 last year in London on the Tube network, you mean? Lucky London isn't in Europe I guess! Anyway, the pinko simpering faggots that are in charge over here in Londonistan held their breath for a while thinking it was all going to kick off, but there are so many shitskins here and the thought police have done such a good job making us feel like vile racist criminals for even commenting on the way society is going here, that no-one did anything. Perhaps if they had killed more British people, rather than a load of fucking foreigners calling themselves British, the balloon would have gone up. It will though, my friend, have patience, it will!

Karmic, wake up, they might not ALL be out in the streets rioting, but it is fair to generalise with them, you have to see it from their mindset, not ours. Their religion says such and such, and it IS RIGHT. Don't think like we do in the civilised West, where we can question anything we are told, especially by religious leaders. To those savages, to even think for themselves is a sin.
The "moderate" Muslims who make noises like they don't agree with all this upset don't actually come out and openly say it is wrong and must stop NOW. They always tack on the caveat that the cartoons shouldn't have been printed. In London, after the bombings they wailed how terrible these atrocities were, but that it was probably down to Blair's involvement in Iraq. In other words, they think WE are responsible for all the trouble, not them.
Believe me, they all think that this is fine and dandy, because the rioters are doing it for Islam. Same as the 9/11 thing, America brought it on themselves, it was all for Islam, although they will say it was a terrible act in public, they think "Ha, fuck you Great Satan, God is Great".

The sooner people stop treating them like free-thinking rational 21st century citizens, who can be reasoned with or educated, and start treating them like the primitive brainwashed savages they are, the better. Time for a Crusade, I say!!
Yeah, I guess Madrid, Spain isn't in Europe either:Smug:

Oh that's right, Spain is in Mexico
I'm not saying there hasn't been any terrorist attacks in Europe before, I'm just saying that there is a possibility that soon these fuckers start blowing themselves up here weekly.
Ugly Pena said:
They´re immune to propaganda, media and common sense.
They have shut down their own free media.
Suicide bombers are bred by their very mothers.
If you would step in the middle of a muslim riot against the insulting cartoons, ´bout
half of them dont have the slightest idea why they`re protesting.

Muslims cannot be reached. They have now learned how to scare the west, at least the overly liberal Europe, wich now faces a nightmare.
No matter what you say or do, it is not good for Allah.

Maybe we should hang ourselves or start to live middle-age like them.
As a sXe I would not mind the anti-alcohol, tobacco, porn and anti-everything religious laws, right?

The power is getting the word out that we will not be in fear of them and we will not buckle and appease them, a policy that led to WW1 and 2. Appeasement means we just give them what they want to shut them up.
They are imposing their laws and their lifestyles on us, while we have no reason to respond AT ALL. Yet, we do. Why?

That is our power, but we choose to not exercise it. We simply shouldn't care, but this is the first step for Islam spreading into the US.

Now what you guys would call "Towelheads" are Sikhs, which are Indians, an outgrowth of Hinduism. My family is Hindu, but I'm an atheist. These Sikhs have been slighted and grouped in with the muslims unjustly.

The irony of "towelheads" (sikhs) is that the reason they don't cut their hair was that they were the warriors in India, defending the country from the muslim invaders and they made a promise to their first guru to not cut their hair until the world was erradicated of Islam. Something to think about.
I know full well the difference between Sikhs and Muslims, and I'm pretty sure everyone else does. It's more a case of being intentionally obtuse - in the same way some people call anyone from India, Pakistan, Bangladesh etc a "Paki".
Sikhs might not be as bad as Muslims as far as causing trouble for us right now, but they aren't exactly nicey-nice. They are arrogant, ignorant, and look down on anyone else. Want to do business with a Sikh? They are totally honest and trustworthy - so long as you are a Sikh. If not, prepare for them to piss you about when it comes to getting paid, whilst they try to re-negotiate the deal. They won't deal with you though if there's another Sikh they can give the business to. And I know exactly what I'm talking about, here in the UK Midlands, it is teeming with them. I always try to avoid dealing with them, or at least add "Pakitax" to compensate for the hassle I'll get. (No problems with your average Hindu Indian, they are generally OK, good and bad individuals just like you or I. )

The only good thing to say about them is they are going to be good when we open up the front in India/Pakistan, they will be kicking Muslim arse!!
TheAssMaster said:
Karmic, wake up, they might not ALL be out in the streets rioting, but it is fair to generalise with them, you have to see it from their mindset, not ours. Their religion says such and such, and it IS RIGHT. Don't think like we do in the civilised West, where we can question anything we are told, especially by religious leaders. To those savages, to even think for themselves is a sin.
The "moderate" Muslims who make noises like they don't agree with all this upset don't actually come out and openly say it is wrong and must stop NOW. They always tack on the caveat that the cartoons shouldn't have been printed. In London, after the bombings they wailed how terrible these atrocities were, but that it was probably down to Blair's involvement in Iraq. In other words, they think WE are responsible for all the trouble, not them.
Believe me, they all think that this is fine and dandy, because the rioters are doing it for Islam. Same as the 9/11 thing, America brought it on themselves, it was all for Islam, although they will say it was a terrible act in public, they think "Ha, fuck you Great Satan, God is Great".

The sooner people stop treating them like free-thinking rational 21st century citizens, who can be reasoned with or educated, and start treating them like the primitive brainwashed savages they are, the better. Time for a Crusade, I say!!

I'm not defending them, don't think that. But I still disagree that they should be easily generalised, especially with the amount of existing muslims.

Sadly, like with all religions, there will always be people that will interpret it in their own way, which mostly doesn't lead to good things.
Islam is the only 'religion' that preaches that peace will only come 'under the shadow of the sword.'

Mohammed was a warrior and a child molestor. that ANYBODY could take somebody like that as a high holy man, i'll never understand.
Several newspapers in the middle east are planning on running cartoons mocking..now christianity..but jews, the holocaust specifically. Go figure more mooslams attacking joos. They are doing it to retaliate against the west, to see how we react.

I for one will not be starting riots because of some holocaust cartoon that is for sure. But wait..when they are run..maybe I can go burn down some Mosques, wipe my ass with the Koran and video tape it, wear my shoes into a Mosque!! ooh.ill just claim I was so distraught over the holocaust cartoons that I could not contain myself.

Pathetic, all of them.
Karmic said:
Sadly, like with all religions, there will always be people that will interpret it in their own way, which mostly doesn't lead to good things.

Håller med dig.

The good thing about this whole situation is that moderate and liberal muslims, along with non-practicing people are getting a bit of air-time on the TV now. Before when ethics and morals were on the agenda mostly bitter old conservative imams were invited. I know a lot of people on this board usually looks upon liberals as foolish but in this debate I think most of you would agree with them on this issue. They asked more conservative muslims a lot of things I have wondered about like social issues, polarization and "playing the victim". Actually those questions could have been used on any religion and it´s followers.

Freedom of the press is more important than a religious dogma. - Why? Because it affects any citizen or visitor in a nation even atheists, agnostics as well as hillbilly evangelists (even though they like to finger their babysitters, but it´s a free nation and I´m sure a lot of danish babysitters have enjoyed some great handjobs). But the freedom also gives offended people the opportunity to explain that actions granted by that freedom have hurt them.

Maybe Jyllandsposten should have made funny cartoons about all the major organized religions. I can understand that practicing muslims are pissed that they only published pictures of Muhammed. Maybe that should have portrayed him less cartoonish as a young muscular man in sexy black speedos, c´mon who can say no to such a treat? Actually I´m not sure if you are allowed to picture God. Have anyone here read anything in the bible about that?
Karmic said:
Dammit Billy, your generalizing is kind of annoying. I find it hard to believe that every single one of them is making a big deal out of it.

Have you seen the news? They are rioting everywhere.
Evil Dead said:
Several newspapers in the middle east are planning on running cartoons mocking..now christianity..but jews, the holocaust specifically. Go figure more mooslams attacking joos.
Pathetic, all of them.


And blacks!

And Rastafarian muthafuckas starrring in COOL RUNNINGS!

...And those Hindostani types.

I much prefer the company of a Sikh to any of these others, even though he be towelheaded. Sikhs always have their sacred knife. Muthafuckas be heavily armed, even on commercial passenger jets.

Hindus drive me crazy. Between Suttee and Thugee, and gods with half a dozen arms, its way too intimidating for me. Shit!

"When extremists extract concessions from democracies on points of principle, either by blackmail or terror, democracies do not have long left," Charlie Hebdo editor Philippe Val wrote.

A quote from the editor of a French paper which published the cartoons after the uproar began.

I liken our buckling down to these people as more of appeasement to terrorists. Remember how we don't negotiate with terrorists? Then the mooslims say these people are an extremist minority and they are being condemned, but apparently they don't see to care about condemnation. BTW- what does condemnation mean? There are no repercussions when one islamic group condemns another. So anyhow, we're buckling down to the extremist minority?

One funny thing though is how they are rioting on their own territory and we're sitting comfortable here, indulging in our vast wealth and resources and anonymous sex.