I'm glad Islam is a 'peaceful' religion

yeah Mohammed Ali is WELL EVIL, such an EVIL man !!!! :lol: !!! :lol: :lol: :lol: Do you know that the MUSLIM Ottoman Empire saved the Spanish Jews from extermination during the Inquisition by granting all 200,000 of them permanent amnesty, their ancestors still prosper in Turkey today !! WELL EVIL !!! :lol:

did you know that Keith Ellison, Congessman for Minnesota is a muslim ?? He's also WELL EVIL !! SO EVIL they let him into Congress :lol:

i love the lies the Islamics tell to try and fool the world into believing they're not the spawns of Hell.

and yes, i knew about Ellison [what? did you think you were revealing something nobody else knew?]. Minnesota is full of 'tards.
nope. it's pagan. Allah started out as a 'moon god.'

In the Qur'an it is stated that Allah is the same God that brought the world the Bible through Jesus and the Old Testament/Tanakh through Moses and another religion from further back that I know is in the Old Testament, as well, but I forget it's name right now. There were Moon Gods being worshipped by the people before them, the people who worshipped these moon gods attacked Muslims and many of those who converted because Islam said that their Gods were false and the people who followed those paganistic religions at the time, with revenge killings, rape, sex slaves, etc, would be condemned to hell by the same God who was the origins of the Qur'an, Bible and Tanakh.

Saying Allah was a moon god because the people who were against Islam (because Islam believed in the Christian/Jewish god) believed in Moon Gods is like saying the Christian God was derived from Zeus, the leader god of the previous religion that ruled over Italy..

EDIT: I'll answer your other posts later tomorrow. I Had to go to the optomotrist this morning and they dialated my eyes about 9 times so just to read your post I had to put it in a Word document, make it size 100 and stand about 20 feet away from the computer to read it and now I have a mind-raping headache from that :hypno:
i love the lies the Islamics tell to try and fool the world into believing they're not the spawns of Hell.

and yes, i knew about Ellison [what? did you think you were revealing something nobody else knew?]. Minnesota is full of 'tards.


Sorry, but it happened, deny it all you want :p Maybe look up the Russian pogroms while you're at it, which occured in the last century and tens of thousands of more Jews were killed because they were blamed as an entire group for an assassination, which they weren't really responsible for. These pogroms spread rampantly throughout Eastern Europe.

Sorry, but it happened, deny it all you want :p Maybe look up the Russian pogroms while you're at it, which occured in the last century and tens of thousands of more Jews were killed because they were blamed as an entire group for an assassination, which they weren't really responsible for. These pogroms spread rampantly throughout Eastern Europe.

wow... you called up wikipedia, which is an unreliable site, simply because of how it allows for random posters to screw around with the entries, at will.

OH... and you assume all Muslims are Islamic scumbags?
even i know there are many Muslims that arent followers of the moon god, Allah.
I always enjoy pointing out the fact that Christmas is just an adopted seasonal celebration that the Catholics grabbed so when converting pagans to Christianity they had something familiar to lock on to. I cant remember when it was decided that it would be the fictional birth of Jesus.

But not to derail the topic, in modern times, more evil is committed in the name of Islam and "allah" than any other religion (term used loosely) or cults.

Hell, all religion is just a big cult. I always enjoy the mass chanting.

"I wanna kill, everyone. Satan is good, Satan is our pal!"

Don't really wanna start this up again, but you gotta remember, other than Al Qaeda and it's shanigans, 95% of the "terror" that goes on in the Middle East is a territorial attack, in wanting other countries to leave theirs. And Christians, Jews and Muslims are all seen as the same people in the Qur'an, why would they be killing Jews and Christians just because of their religion while those other two religions are supported by the Qur'an as people who will go to heaven. Remember, when Al Qaeda, etc, were fighting off the Soviet Union with the same tactics, they were "liberators", but when they use the tactics against the US, they're terrorists. Not to say they aren't terrorists, because they are, but it just shows that the country with media control has the upper hand in a war, because they're able to get their population on their side. Other than Al Qaeda, who AREN'T MUSLIMS, they're a bunch of atheists who don't actually practice Islam, but in wanting world domination (the main goal of Al Qaeda, as cliched as it is :rolleyes: ), they misuse the word "Islam". They create texts that aren't really in the Qur'an or that they've changed thoroughly to try to convince the highly illiterate people of Afghanistan (because education isn't readily available after coming out of occupation) to join their cause because Allah wills it, while in reality, nothing of the sort is said in the Qur'an, just falsely created by Non-Muslims looking to get what they want. And the news never covers the 20+ Denmark mosques that were burned, just the 3 embassies in the Middle East, because the US is at war with the Middle East, they want to make the enemy look as bad as possible, when in reality, the Middle East has one of the lowest average crime rates in the world, but all they need is a 2 or 3 murders per month out of a populatino of 1+ billion to keep fueling "The Middle East is the most evil place ever" arguement.
wow... you called up wikipedia, which is an unreliable site, simply because of how it allows for random posters to screw around with the entries, at will.

OH... and you assume all Muslims are Islamic scumbags?
even i know there are many Muslims that arent followers of the moon god, Allah.

You're saying the Spanish Inquisition never happened? Wikipedia isn't just a clusterfuck of random entries, 98% of all the entries in the article have footnotes to other encyclopedias, etc, where these facts are also stated, just ignore the 1 or 2 per article without citations. Btw:


Just to name a few.. The Inquisition happened, but really, what value is the rest of your arguement worth if you denied the occurance of the Spanish Inquisition?

And Islam is defined as an Abrahamic religion, meaning if any "Muslim" worships a moon god, they're not a Muslim. The 1.1+ Billions Muslims worldwide, all worship the same god that brought the world Judaism and Christianity and eventually, Islam, bringing new religion as each text was corrupted by people.
You're saying the Spanish Inquisition never happened? Wikipedia isn't just a clusterfuck of random entries, 98% of all the entries in the article have footnotes to other encyclopedias, etc, where these facts are also stated, just ignore the 1 or 2 per article without citations. Btw:


Just to name a few.. The Inquisition happened, but really, what value is the rest of your arguement worth if you denied the occurance of the Spanish Inquisition?

i didnt see where i denied the Spanish Inquisition. maybe it's your bad eyes that led to that conclusion, or maybe you're just the dumbest person on the internet.

i'm opting for the latter.
i didnt see where i denied the Spanish Inquisition. maybe it's your bad eyes that led to that conclusion, or maybe you're just the dumbest person on the internet.

i'm opting for the latter.

When that other guy brought up the Spanish Inquisition, you responded with your typical, generic:

i love the lies the Islamics tell to try and fool the world into believing they're not the spawns of Hell.

And usually there's more than two ways to analyze a situation, it's not either/or, if there was a mistake made, it was just a misunderstanding because what it looks like to me or any other sane person that would read that is that someone brought up the Spanish Inquisition and you called him and all other Muslims liars.

EDIT: "Leaning towards the Latter" would have worked better grammatically, as to opt is to choose for your self, and you don't choose for me to have bad eyes atm or be the stupidest person ever.
Don't really wanna start this up again, but you gotta remember, other than Al Qaeda and it's shanigans, 95% of the "terror" that goes on in the Middle East is a territorial attack, in wanting other countries to leave theirs. And Christians, Jews and Muslims are all seen as the same people in the Qur'an, why would they be killing Jews and Christians just because of their religion while those other two religions are supported by the Qur'an as people who will go to heaven. Remember, when Al Qaeda, etc, were fighting off the Soviet Union with the same tactics, they were "liberators", but when they use the tactics against the US, they're terrorists. Not to say they aren't terrorists, because they are, but it just shows that the country with media control has the upper hand in a war, because they're able to get their population on their side. Other than Al Qaeda, who AREN'T MUSLIMS, they're a bunch of atheists who don't actually practice Islam, but in wanting world domination (the main goal of Al Qaeda, as cliched as it is :rolleyes: ), they misuse the word "Islam". They create texts that aren't really in the Qur'an or that they've changed thoroughly to try to convince the highly illiterate people of Afghanistan (because education isn't readily available after coming out of occupation) to join their cause because Allah wills it, while in reality, nothing of the sort is said in the Qur'an, just falsely created by Non-Muslims looking to get what they want. And the news never covers the 20+ Denmark mosques that were burned, just the 3 embassies in the Middle East, because the US is at war with the Middle East, they want to make the enemy look as bad as possible, when in reality, the Middle East has one of the lowest average crime rates in the world, but all they need is a 2 or 3 murders per month out of a populatino of 1+ billion to keep fueling "The Middle East is the most evil place ever" arguement.

The guys in Afghanistan were fighting the REd Army, thats cool. But the difference between then and now is that Al Qaeda attacked civilian targets, and continues to do so. Did the guys in Afghanistan go blow up schools in the 80s in the USSR? The guys fighting the US troops are classified as terrorists because they openly attack military and civilian targets. Some of the groups are just lame old militants. Al Qaeda wasnt really fighting the Reds either. They developed around the defeat of the Soviet Union, and I would go as far to say most likely because they saw themselves as having this power now and the ability to wield it against whomever they wished in the muslim world. Its kinda like the Stanford study of prisoners, where when given power of a people, most humans will be quick to abuse it.

I dont doubt Al Qaeda makes shit up. Lots of religions and their branches/sects make stuff up to appeal to different people. Take Moses, Mohammed, David, etc etc, do you really think god spoke to them? Or perhaps that had the intelligence enough to know that to better control people they could just say that. But they are taking passages from the Koran and "interperating" it in their own way, just like people do in Christianity. Thing is, most christians dont suicide bomb shopping malls (since we really dont have "markets")

I don't really want to argue about Al Qaeda's position, or burnt mosques in Denmark, or a US war with Iraq (not middle east.) Time and time again terrorist attacks are commited by muslims throughout the world. And if they arent really muslim (which I doubt very devote) they are most likely arabs. Example, the UK attacks that happened over the weekend. They are arabs, are they muslim? Probability will say yes. Not all terrorists are Arabs and/or Muslims, but most are. Same goes for prisons in the USA. THe majority of prisoners are black. Does that make all blacks criminials? Nope, but majority rules in showing crime trends. We can flip on the tube and see why certain poor ethnic cultures lean towards crime (mtv...bet)

Bah, time to argue is over, Copa America is on soon!
Don't really wanna start this up again, but you gotta remember, other than Al Qaeda and it's shanigans, 95% of the "terror" that goes on in the Middle East is a territorial attack, in wanting other countries to leave theirs. And Christians, Jews and Muslims are all seen as the same people in the Qur'an, why would they be killing Jews and Christians just because of their religion while those other two religions are supported by the Qur'an as people who will go to heaven. Remember, when Al Qaeda, etc, were fighting off the Soviet Union with the same tactics, they were "liberators", but when they use the tactics against the US, they're terrorists. Not to say they aren't terrorists, because they are, but it just shows that the country with media control has the upper hand in a war, because they're able to get their population on their side. Other than Al Qaeda, who AREN'T MUSLIMS, they're a bunch of atheists who don't actually practice Islam, but in wanting world domination (the main goal of Al Qaeda, as cliched as it is :rolleyes: ), they misuse the word "Islam". They create texts that aren't really in the Qur'an or that they've changed thoroughly to try to convince the highly illiterate people of Afghanistan (because education isn't readily available after coming out of occupation) to join their cause because Allah wills it, while in reality, nothing of the sort is said in the Qur'an, just falsely created by Non-Muslims looking to get what they want. And the news never covers the 20+ Denmark mosques that were burned, just the 3 embassies in the Middle East, because the US is at war with the Middle East, they want to make the enemy look as bad as possible, when in reality, the Middle East has one of the lowest average crime rates in the world, but all they need is a 2 or 3 murders per month out of a populatino of 1+ billion to keep fueling "The Middle East is the most evil place ever" arguement.

The guys in Afghanistan were fighting the REd Army, thats cool. But the difference between then and now is that Al Qaeda attacked civilian targets, and continues to do so. Did the guys in Afghanistan go blow up schools in the 80s in the USSR? The guys fighting the US troops are classified as terrorists because they openly attack military and civilian targets. Some of the groups are just lame old militants. Al Qaeda wasnt really fighting the Reds either. They developed around the defeat of the Soviet Union, and I would go as far to say most likely because they saw themselves as having this power now and the ability to wield it against whomever they wished in the muslim world. Its kinda like the Stanford study of prisoners, where when given power of a people, most humans will be quick to abuse it.

I dont doubt Al Qaeda makes shit up. Lots of religions and their branches/sects make stuff up to appeal to different people. Take Moses, Mohammed, David, etc etc, do you really think god spoke to them? Or perhaps that had the intelligence enough to know that to better control people they could just say that. But they are taking passages from the Koran and "interperating" it in their own way, just like people do in Christianity. Thing is, most christians dont suicide bomb shopping malls (since we really dont have "markets")

I don't really want to argue about Al Qaeda's position, or burnt mosques in Denmark, or a US war with Iraq (not middle east.) Time and time again terrorist attacks are commited by muslims throughout the world. And if they arent really muslim (which I doubt very devote) they are most likely arabs. Example, the UK attacks that happened over the weekend. They are arabs, are they muslim? Probability will say yes. Not all terrorists are Arabs and/or Muslims, but most are. Same goes for prisons in the USA. THe majority of prisoners are black. Does that make all blacks criminials? Nope, but majority rules in showing crime trends. We can flip on the tube and see why certain poor ethnic cultures lean towards crime (mtv...bet)

Bah, time to argue is over, Copa America is on soon!
there's NOTHING pagan about Christianity!
now, i've heard the theory that the Catholic religion has a base in pagan practice, but there are HUGE differences in the way Catholics worship and the way Protestants worship.

and actually, 10 years ago we'd already had the first hit against the WTC, as well as several other incidents of violence, so you'd be wrong. i knew how evil Islam was even back then.

You are right about the differences between Catholics and Protestants. the Catholic church is the original church from which the Lutherans broke off from. And the Protestant/Lutheran church was founded by a anti-semite--Martin Luther
there's NOTHING pagan about Christianity!
now, i've heard the theory that the Catholic religion has a base in pagan practice, but there are HUGE differences in the way Catholics worship and the way Protestants worship.

and actually, 10 years ago we'd already had the first hit against the WTC, as well as several other incidents of violence, so you'd be wrong. i knew how evil Islam was even back then.

Catholics worship the Pope and Protestants worship both Jesus and God.. In Islam it's believed that no human should be worshiped, not Mohammad, Jesus, Moses, etc, even though all are acknowledged as prophets or human messengers, only God is worshiped, though. Jesus never said to worship him, only God, but for some reason, holidays like Christmas, Easter, etc, were created, so in theory, Christianity in the form it's been twisted into, is much closer to paganism than Islam, as Islam promotes the worship of only the God that created Judaism, Christianity and Islam and none of his prophets or any religious figure (like the Pope is worshiped for some reason..?).

@Evil Dead: I'll get to your post tomorrow, my visions still fudged up from an optometrist appt. from earlier today.. I still can't read anything but Sue's posts because she uses really big font.
I renew my original question. Wasn't this thread about the evil surrounding Islam? Is "well, Christianity is evil too!" really a suitable response?
Catholics worship the Pope and Protestants worship both Jesus and God.. In Islam it's believed that no human should be worshiped, not Mohammad, Jesus, Moses, etc, even though all are acknowledged as prophets or human messengers, only God is worshiped, though. Jesus never said to worship him, only God, but for some reason, holidays like Christmas, Easter, etc, were created, so in theory, Christianity in the form it's been twisted into, is much closer to paganism than Islam, as Islam promotes the worship of only the God that created Judaism, Christianity and Islam and none of his prophets or any religious figure (like the Pope is worshiped for some reason..?).

@Evil Dead: I'll get to your post tomorrow, my visions still fudged up from an optometrist appt. from earlier today.. I still can't read anything but Sue's posts because she uses really big font.

lol dont worry about my post. It was a schlitz fueled rant that I was on hoping for the USA to beat Paraguay in the Copa America. NOw..I resorted to bowling my pain away amongst massive amounts of white trash tonight. I beat the SHIT out of some little girls though!

I even doubleposted :lol:
Catholics worship the Pope and Protestants worship both Jesus and God.. In Islam it's believed that no human should be worshiped, not Mohammad, Jesus, Moses, etc, even though all are acknowledged as prophets or human messengers, only God is worshiped, though. Jesus never said to worship him, only God, but for some reason, holidays like Christmas, Easter, etc, were created, so in theory, Christianity in the form it's been twisted into, is much closer to paganism than Islam, as Islam promotes the worship of only the God that created Judaism, Christianity and Islam and none of his prophets or any religious figure (like the Pope is worshiped for some reason..?).

@Evil Dead: I'll get to your post tomorrow, my visions still fudged up from an optometrist appt. from earlier today.. I still can't read anything but Sue's posts because she uses really big font.

somehow jesus IS god and the father and the holy ghost I think. Am I wrong? I always wondered why people worshiped Jesus. But I think its cuz he is gods embodiement on earth.
You are right about the differences between Catholics and Protestants. the Catholic church is the original church from which the Lutherans broke off from. And the Protestant/Lutheran church was founded by a anti-semite--Martin Luther

i'm thinking about strict Calvanism.
somehow jesus IS god and the father and the holy ghost I think. Am I wrong? I always wondered why people worshiped Jesus. But I think its cuz he is gods embodiement on earth.

Jesus is both fully man and fully God. he's God's son, but God's being brought to Earth.
same as the Holy Spirit.

he's a 3-in-1 God.

we worship Jesus because of who he was and because nobody can gain salvation without going through him, first. he is the one that stands and intercedes on our behalf to the Father.
Jesus is both fully man and fully God. he's God's son, but God's being brought to Earth.
same as the Holy Spirit.

he's a 3-in-1 God.

we worship Jesus because of who he was and because nobody can gain salvation without going through him, first. he is the one that stands and intercedes on our behalf to the Father.

I disagree, Jesus is the son of god, not god himself, Jesus was born, god was not, God is eternal without beginning or end, Jesus has a beginning.

The 3 in 1 you refere to is the Trinity: God, Son, and Holy Spirit/Ancient of Days--linked in purpose and thought but seperate beings
I renew my original question. Wasn't this thread about the evil surrounding Islam? Is "well, Christianity is evil too!" really a suitable response?

Of course Christianity is corrupted(evil is alittle harsh), anything that mankind touches or teaches has his taint upon it. The bible itself is tainted(Sue dont go ballistic). The bible in its present form isnt the whole story, its been corrupted by mans point of view, example, in AD 553 the council of constantinople outlawed books (most famous being Enoch) that didnt portray the complex messages and ideas in a simple enough way and were dubbed heretical, Peter I and II and Jude almost were excluded as well. Alot of these stories dealth with devils and demons, the differences between the two groups, some of the books dealt with the childhood of Jesus, and painted him in a more human light while he learned about and came to terms with his power.
Of course Christianity is corrupted(evil is alittle harsh), anything that mankind touches or teaches has his taint upon it. The bible itself is tainted(Sue dont go ballistic). The bible in its present form isnt the whole story, its been corrupted by mans point of view, example, in AD 553 the council of constantinople outlawed books (most famous being Enoch) that didnt portray the complex messages and ideas in a simple enough way and were dubbed heretical, Peter I and II and Jude almost were excluded as well. Alot of these stories dealth with devils and demons, the differences between the two groups, some of the books dealt with the childhood of Jesus, and painted him in a more human light while he learned about and came to terms with his power.

i'm not gonna go ballistic [yet]. i mentioned this before.
Hebrew scholars studied the original manuscripts of the Bible and found that the KJ translation was essentially correct. in other words, no corruption. the words of the Bible are as the prophets and disciples wrote.

also, the 3-in-1 God is completely possible and scripturally sound.
of course God is omnipotent, not having been born and with no beginning or end, but He also existed in a born, frail human form, in the personage of His son, Jesus.
this was necessary and He knew it. all throughout the Old Testament He's giving messages to people and being doubted and defied by many.
the best example i saw for His reasoning for coming to Earth in human form was a little story about a wild goose that flew down and settled in a farm yard in the middle of winter. the farmer, realizing that the goose would freeze if he stayed out in the snow, decided to put the goose in the barn and out of the cold for the winter.
he went out, threw open the doors to the barn and tried to shoo the goose in, but the goose balked. he tried to coax the goose in with a trail of bread, but still, the goose went the other way. finally, reaching his wit's end, the farmer came up with a plan. he went into the barn, loosed his own geese into the yard. they werent out in the cold long before they decided to go back to the warmth of the barn. the wild goose, recognizing the geese as being like himself, followed them into the barn.

get it?