Wake up America..

With all the religions in the world, is anyone of them right? Are anyone of them partially right? Are they all man-made stories? We all thought Santa Claus was real when we were kids, then we found out there's no such thing as Santa Claus, flying reindeers, and rest of the Santa Claus story. What's to say that religions aren't stories made up like Santa Claus?

Personally, I think that's what they are. Cautionary tales meant to try and keep us from eating each other just for the sake of doing it. I get nervous when people start spouting off the rhetoric like it's fact, because they believe in it.

"I'm right. Because I said so."

Um. No.
Kick her ass and divorce her and/or throw her in a swamp...but just to make sure if it is christ he ain't coming back a second time.

Joseph was a godly man and was going to quietly divorce Mary and take her home to her family. an angel of God came to him and told him not to be afraid to take her as his wife and raise the child she was carrying because she was carrying the son of God.

i dare say, if an angel of God came to you and told you your wife was carrying the son of God, you'd become a believer really quickly and you'd do the same thing Joseph did.
i dare say, if an angel of God came to you and told you your wife was carrying the son of God, you'd become a believer really quickly and you'd do the same thing Joseph did.

Joseph saw the angel in a dream and he did what he did because he was a godly man. If he were a regular guy, he might've said, "That was a weird dream, I'd better take off for Hebron before my conscience makes me be a nice guy."

Joseph saw the angel in a dream and he did what he did because he was a godly man. If he were a regular guy, he might've said, "That was a weird dream, I'd better take off for Hebron before my conscience makes me be a nice guy."


:lol: Yep. I had a dream once that I was Kevin Bacon and i was in some wrestling movie. It didn't change my life.
Is the Quran really filled with anymore outrageous shit than the Bible? I mean seriously?

Agreed. i have read the entire Koran and the Bible; both are fairly vile documents (for the most part) and are obviously NOT THE WORK OF GOD, rather the WORK OF MAN.

The bible has stipulations against swearing oaths, which would tend to negate "swearing on the bible" for purposes of holding an office, or for that matter testifying in court.

Overall the Koran is a much better written work, seemingly the work of one person, whereas the biblical literary style is obviously attributable to many authors over many years. And yet the Koran is very creepy in its own right...especially all the references to hell and burning. What this country needs is a grounded atheist/agnostic running the show....won't happen, sadly enough.
Agreed. i have read the entire Koran and the Bible; both are fairly vile documents (for the most part) and are obviously NOT THE WORK OF GOD, rather the WORK OF MAN.

The bible has stipulations against swearing oaths, which would tend to negate "swearing on the bible" for purposes of holding an office, or for that matter testifying in court.

Overall the Koran is a much better written work, seemingly the work of one person, whereas the biblical literary style is obviously attributable to many authors over many years. And yet the Koran is very creepy in its own right...especially all the references to hell and burning. What this country needs is a grounded atheist/agnostic running the show....won't happen, sadly enough.

actually, the Bible makes no stipulation about 'oaths,' other than to say we're not to swear to God.

that the Bible is a collection of 66 books, written over a period of 1500 years by kings, musicians, fishermen, etc... and still remains amazingly cohesive should be proof of its merit.

as for the 'vileness' of the Bible, the ultimate message of the Bible is to love each other, including our enemies, as we love ourselves.
whereas, the Koran preaches conversion by bloodshed.

and yes, the Koran was written by one guy, so it's not like you're getting a wide focus of opinions/views.
With all the people that wrote the bible, no one can say for sure if everyone of them wrote the actual meaning of what was being stated or was it their own interpretation or opinion. In my opinion, I do believe that there is a "God", but I don't believe the bible or any other religious book since it was written by man.
With all the people that wrote the bible, no one can say for sure if everyone of them wrote the actual meaning of what was being stated or was it their own interpretation or opinion. In my opinion, I do believe that there is a "God", but I don't believe the bible or any other religious book since it was written by man.

that's just the point... over the period of time the Bible was compiled and the different people involved in the writing, it still flowed and came together.
we're not talking about a group of people that knew each other and hung out on weekends together, talking about putting together a Bible as a 'project.'

Hebrew scholars have already compared the original manuscripts of the Bible that are available with the translations from the KJV of the Bible and deemed the interpretations accurate.
actually, the Bible makes no stipulation about 'oaths,' other than to say we're not to swear to God.

that the Bible is a collection of 66 books, written over a period of 1500 years by kings, musicians, fishermen, etc... and still remains amazingly cohesive should be proof of its merit.

as for the 'vileness' of the Bible, the ultimate message of the Bible is to love each other, including our enemies, as we love ourselves.
whereas, the Koran preaches conversion by bloodshed.

and yes, the Koran was written by one guy, so it's not like you're getting a wide focus of opinions/views.

Sue, I hate to get into a theological debate on the so-called "merits" of the bible, but I really think you should read the whole thing. Clearly it was written for the control of large, ill-educated masses.

See some of these sites, which will show some of the crazier things in the bible:


By all means believe if you must; but to accept a human-written book as the autority of God seems beyond ridiculous to me.
Sue, I hate to get into a theological debate on the so-called "merits" of the bible, but I really think you should read the whole thing. Clearly it was written for the control of large, ill-educated masses.

See some of these sites, which will show some of the crazier things in the bible:


By all means believe if you must; but to accept a human-written book as the autority of God seems beyond ridiculous to me.

I could just as easily find bible quotes to contradict all those bible quotes....so there.
Sue, I hate to get into a theological debate on the so-called "merits" of the bible, but I really think you should read the whole thing. Clearly it was written for the control of large, ill-educated masses.

See some of these sites, which will show some of the crazier things in the bible:


By all means believe if you must; but to accept a human-written book as the autority of God seems beyond ridiculous to me.

you assume i havent read it all?

i actually have, and i read it from the perspective of a seeker, not someone looking for something to trash a specific group of people over.

why would i spend one moment at one of these sites that are obviously made up of people with the same mindset as you?

and for further reference, it's impossible to have a theological debate with somebody that has no base in any form of theology.
Actually Sue, your perspective as a seeker is just as biased as someone looking to not believe. The same goes for your understanding of the koran. That's why religion is an impossible argument. The faith you hold as true doesn't fly with me, and the fact that I don't get it makes you wonder how I couldn't. Luckily in America you and I both have the right to chose what ideals we subscribe to. The funny thing is I would guess we believe in many of the same things. Be good to your fellow man, forgiveness, family, etc.
you assume i havent read it all?

i actually have, and i read it from the perspective of a seeker, not someone looking for something to trash a specific group of people over.

why would i spend one moment at one of these sites that are obviously made up of people with the same mindset as you?

and for further reference, it's impossible to have a theological debate with somebody that has no base in any form of theology.

Sue, I'm really not being mean-spirited, sincerely. I was raised Catholic, CCD, Mass every week, holidays, saint days, etc. I do realize my perspective-and truth-will not sway you or anybody else for that matter. I do believe in a higher power, and possibly an afterlife. But people who close their minds make me want to tear my hair out, ya know (and I am not putting you in that category). If God created us, he gave us a brain to use, and in my humble opinion most (if not all) religious faiths are more in it for power and control than the honest seeking of truth and spiritual wisdom. That being said, rock on!:Puke:
Sue, I'm really not being mean-spirited, sincerely. I was raised Catholic, CCD, Mass every week, holidays, saint days, etc. I do realize my perspective-and truth-will not sway you or anybody else for that matter. I do believe in a higher power, and possibly an afterlife. But people who close their minds make me want to tear my hair out, ya know (and I am not putting you in that category). If God created us, he gave us a brain to use, and in my humble opinion most (if not all) religious faiths are more in it for power and control than the honest seeking of truth and spiritual wisdom. That being said, rock on!:Puke:

As a practising Catholic, CCD, Mass every week, holidays, saint days, etc., I find your lack of faith disappointing! (Can you FEEL the FORCE choking the vomit right out of you?)

Basically, you're a backslidden heretic who shall obviously never repent, so I guess I'll have to burn you. Step up to the stake, please!

As a practising Catholic, CCD, Mass every week, holidays, saint days, etc., I find your lack of faith disappointing! (Can you FEEL the FORCE choking the vomit right out of you?)

Basically, you're a backslidden heretic who shall obviously never repent, so I guess I'll have to burn you. Step up to the stake, please!


Ready to BURN!
Vomit, I'm in the same category as you (being a catholic, going to mass every sunday and on holy days of obligation). In my opinion, Catholics try to scare you death so you attend mass (From my old catecism (not sure if that's spelled right) classes, "if you miss mass, it's considered a mortal sin. If you die with mortal sin, then you go to hell".) Most Baptists are worse than used car salesmen, they think "their church is the greatest thing since sliced bread", and all other religions are wrong. I hate people who try to pressure me into their religion (mostly baptists), and those are usually the same idiots carrying religious signs on the sides of the road. I'm not kncking anyone's religious beliefs, but don't try and press your beliefs on me. I do believe that there is a "God", and that we do go somewhere once we are dead. But I don't believe the bible, because it was written by man.

So get out the matches and gasoline, and fire it up! Fire, Fire, Fire!!!!!
Vomit, I'm in the same category as you (being a catholic, going to mass every sunday and on holy days of obligation). In my opinion, Catholics try to scare you death so you attend mass (From my old catecism (not sure if that's spelled right) classes, "if you miss mass, it's considered a mortal sin. If you die with mortal sin, then you go to hell".)

Missing mass a mortal sin? And actually mentioning Hell? Man, you must be ancient! In what epoch were you born?!

I was born and raised post Vatican II, which means I never heard about hell except in Tom and Jerry cartoons, when the Devil Dog was trying to pitchfork Tom into his cauldron for being so mean to Jerry!

Post-Vatican II meant boring sermons on just being good people and helping out at the soup kitchen (where the number of servers always outnumbered the attendees by six to one).
