Wake up America!

"For now, children in Ridgeland School District 122 will celebrate fall festival instead of Halloween and winter festival instead of Christmas."

Calling Christmas winter festival seems reasonable but calling Halloween fall festival is lame..............
My kids will never call Halloween "fall festival." Halloween is about Satan, murders, ghouls & goblins, apples with razorblades in them, and candy corn. Fall festival sounds like an apple picking field trip for limp wristed fairies.

The Christmas thing, well I'm not a Christian but I grew up with Christmas, and I still call it Christmas, I don't see what the big deal is.

As long as we have NO federal holidays that have anything to do with Muslims. Christmas is the only religious based federal holiday at the moment and I can live with that.
My kids will never call Halloween "fall festival." Halloween is about Satan, murders, ghouls & goblins, apples with razorblades in them, and candy corn. Fall festival sounds like an apple picking field trip for limp wristed fairies.

Oh yeah. These creeps are draining the fun out of everything!

Just like the TALEBAN!


What burns me up is that majour social policy changes always occur at the behest of one little fucker. He's a humourless sourpuss who misses beatings at the Koran school in Riyadh.

Just for that, a school of 700 other, bright, happy little urchins must SUFFER the joyless acesticism of Allah's most faithful!

I quote Evil Dead: "What the fuck?!"

My sister-in-law was just asked to go on the local Fox news channel to talk about this. Funny however, they cannot find a Islamic supporter to debate her.
Meantime, Arab children are being allowed to pray during what's being called their own time, that's lunch time, during Ramadan.

Parent June Quigley said, "They get to pray in our schools. That is religion in a public school."

Why is this stupid cunt whining? I really get tired of reading shit like this. Prayer was never disallowed at any fucking school, ever. It's just been taken out of the damn curriculum. If a kid wants to pray, they can pray as stated above. It's just that the school (thankfully) isn't going to force your kid to pray and conform to a god he or she may not believe in like schools have previously done. Why are parents and the majority of christians so fucking stupid about this? If you lived in a predominantly muslim nation would you be cool with your kids being forced to adhere to their religious practices? Fuck no you wouldn't.

I know I'll be unpopular around here for saying this but fuck this article and fuck it's tired scare tactic bullshit.
I know I'll be unpopular around here for saying this but fuck this article and fuck it's tired scare tactic bullshit.

It ain't scare-tactic bullshit! Its all about PC bullshit.

Its these clever fuckers from abroad screwing the retarded PC crowd right up the ass with their own flagpoles.

Its funny to behold but it also drives me crazy how quickly they collapse, and start offending and outraging EVERYONE by playing this "middle of the road" shit.

I mean, the fanatical faithful of Allah demanded Ramadan decorations, NOT removing all references to Halloween and Christmas.

If the school superintendant had any balls, he'd say: "This is school, not some sort of goddamned block party! Get your fuckin little asses behind those desks and study, you pieces of shit!!"

...Well, that's what I'd say. And I'd probably not be Superintendant very long!

Why is this stupid cunt whining? I really get tired of reading shit like this. Prayer was never disallowed at any fucking school, ever. It's just been taken out of the damn curriculum. If a kid wants to pray, they can pray as stated above. It's just that the school (thankfully) isn't going to force your kid to pray and conform to a god he or she may not believe in like schools have previously done. Why are parents and the majority of christians so fucking stupid about this? If you lived in a predominantly muslim nation would you be cool with your kids being forced to adhere to their religious practices? Fuck no you wouldn't.

I know I'll be unpopular around here for saying this but fuck this article and fuck it's tired scare tactic bullshit.

...you need to read a little about CAIR, and the people that front it then. Ignorance is not bliss.