yoooooooooo wake up

Here in the meantime I became pilot and commander (captain). Covid destroyed or world (-99% market in the deep covid wave in europe) and were still firing people 2 years later but I’m lucky enough to have kept my job now
Fuck yeah, lets do it!
I can proudly say I haven't amounted it to anything in the music business so I have the luxury of not giving a shit and to just sit back and noodle for fun and troll around on the Sneap Forum. But yeah, lets do this, because fuck facebook, that's why!
Hey everybody!
I wasn't one of the first but I still remember you all!
Unfortunately I deleted much of my data on this forum a long ago due to a misunderstanding, hence the lack of avatar.
It would be fun to dig into some old hard drive and get it back...

We need Nitronium Blood too!!!

Those were some great years and yes I agree that FB and all the relative apps gradually destroyed this once wonderful and full of insights world of forums...

I have many many good memories of the Sneap Forum.

Unfortunately I stopped playing in 2015.
Never say never but apart from the occasionally strum on the guitar I pretty much haven't touched a drumset in six years straight.

Great to see you here!